June 1 marks a transition time for the State PTA Board of Directors
and I would like to express my gratitude to the following individuals whose
terms of service on the WSPTA Board of Directors is coming to an end on May
31. We appreciate your service and dedication to this association.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Thank You For Your Service
Board Transitions
Friday, May 30, 2014
Question of the Week
We are in the process of developing next year's budget and I'm trying to find information that explains / defines the required reserves. Does the state PTA provide recommendations regarding reserves?
The WSPTA recommends PTAs maintain a minimum of six months operating expenses in reserves in either a savings or checking account—preferably a savings account. Your local unit standing rules should contain information on how many months of reserves are carried over each year and what account these reserves are kept. To calculate the figure for six months operating expenses, take your total budgeted expenditures and divide it by twelve, then multiply that number by six (or the amount of months your local unit decides to maintain in reserves).
The purpose of maintaining reserves is to cover operating expenses in the event the PTA doesn’t raise the amount of money budgeted. However, holding too much in reserves isn’t recommended because the money raised by PTA should be spent to benefit students.
There may be specific circumstances a PTA may need to carry over significantly more in reserves, such as a PTA that needs three years of operating expenses in reserve during a period a school is being rebuilt after a fire—during which time students are dispersed among other schools.
Question of the Week
Charitable Organization Renewal Deadline May 31
It is time to complete
your Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal with the Office of the
Secretary of State Corporations & Charities Division. Forms and
instructions on how to fill out the forms can be found at http://www.sos.wa.gov/charities/AllForms.aspx.
If you have already filed this renewal form this year, please disregard this
message. More information and
instructions available from the WSPTA office is available here. |
Charitable Solicitations
Charity and Nonprofit Educational Symposium June 2
The Office of the
Secretary of State is presenting a Charity & Nonprofit Educational
Symposium on June 2, 2014 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm at the Labor and Industries
Building, 7273 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, Washington. Attend to learn about
the legal obligations and fiduciary duties of a nonprofit board, maintaining
nonprofit status, registration and renewal requirements, Washington State tax
requirements, and a representative from the IRS will present on federal tax
requirements. Register at: www.sos.wa.gov/charities/training. The cost is $10 and includes lunch. Space is limited so register online
today and reserve your spot! For more information contact: Teresa Glidden,
Charity & Nonprofit Education Coordinator, teresa.glidden@sos.wa.gov or (360) 725‐0373. |
Secretary of State
WSPTA Endowment Established
Exciting things are happening for PTA! Late last week the Washington State PTA signed the paperwork for the WSPTA Endowment with the goal to further our vision to make every child’s potential a reality by eventually using interest earnings from the endowment for operating and providing grants within WSPTA.
Endowment Fund
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Send in Your Local Unit Officers
It is time to email the
list of your local unit’s 2014-2015 officers to support@wastatepta.org.
Please include the name of your PTA, your new officer’s names and email
addresses. When we receive this information, these new officers will be added
to the email list that receives Leadership News as well as information on
training, updates, and instructions for the member registration process which
we will begin sending in June. Please note that you don’t need to identify your new officers on the membership enrollment database, just email the list to the state PTA office. However, if you have already identified your new officers on the database, you do not need to send an email as well. Thanks for your help as we make sure your local unit continues to receive the information it needs from the state PTA office. |
NEWS to State Supreme Court: Hold Legislature in Contempt
In response to a court-mandated
legislative "progress" report from the State to the Washington
Supreme Court, the Network for Excellence in Washington Schools today asked
the high court to hold the Legislature in contempt.
"The State Supreme Court issues orders, not suggestions. And lawmakers have blatantly disobeyed those orders," said NEWS lead attorney Tom Ahearne. "The Legislature's own report shows they did not take 'immediate, concrete action' to make 'real and measurable progress' toward fully funding K-12 schools as the Court had ordered. That's why we are asking the Court to hold the Legislature in contempt, to prohibit the State from adding any further unfunded or underfunded mandates on its public schools, and to impose even more serious sanctions if the Legislature does not reconvene to obey the Court's orders by December 31 of this year."
In January 2014, the Court ordered the State to submit a report by April 30 showing that the Legislature's 2014 session had:
"The State Supreme Court issues orders, not suggestions. And lawmakers have blatantly disobeyed those orders," said NEWS lead attorney Tom Ahearne. "The Legislature's own report shows they did not take 'immediate, concrete action' to make 'real and measurable progress' toward fully funding K-12 schools as the Court had ordered. That's why we are asking the Court to hold the Legislature in contempt, to prohibit the State from adding any further unfunded or underfunded mandates on its public schools, and to impose even more serious sanctions if the Legislature does not reconvene to obey the Court's orders by December 31 of this year."
In January 2014, the Court ordered the State to submit a report by April 30 showing that the Legislature's 2014 session had:
- Taken "immediate, concrete action" to make "real and measurable progress, not simply promises" towards fully funding the State's K-12 schools by the 2017/2018 school year, and
- Developed a complete full funding plan for each school year between now and the 2017/2018 school year.
The State admitted in its report that the Legislature had failed to comply with that order. NEWS, which has been authorized by the State Supreme Court to monitor and respond to the State's reports, today asked the Court to take firm, concrete action to compel the State's compliance with the Court's orders and with Washington children's constitutional right to an amply funded education.
NEWS listed in its response many types of enforcement orders issued by courts in cases in other states, and requested that, at the very least, the Supreme Court should:
- Hold the Legislature in contempt of court
- Prohibit the State from adding more unfunded or underfunded mandates on K-12 public schools, and
- Rule that if the State does not fully comply with the Court's January 2014 order by December 31, 2014, then the Court will issue strong judicial enforcement orders (that legislators will not be happy with) in January 2015.
Read NEWS's filing with the Supreme Court, May 21, 2014.
NBC News Parent Toolkit
Monday, May 26, 2014
Golden Acorn Awards to Honor Local Unit Leaders and Contribute to the WSPTA Scholarship Program
As the school year
winds to an end, I would like to encourage you to honor your local leaders with
a Golden Acorn award or another recognition award and contribute to the
Washington State PTA Scholarship Program. To order Golden Acorn awards or
other recognition awards, go to the PTA store at http://store.wastatepta.org/. (There
are no paper forms available for these awards. It is now an online process
through the PTA store.) For
information on navigating the PTA Store award section, click here. For those of you who have been honored with a volunteer recognition award, such as the Golden Acorn award, I want to thank you for your service and dedication to the children in your school community, and to thank your PTA for donating funds, in your name, so that more deserving students could be awarded college scholarships. |
Golden Acorn
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Help Decide WSPTA's Positions: Proposals for Resolutions, Legislative Principles and Legislative Platform
Resolutions outline the opinion and will of
WSPTA to address statewide problems. Proposals are due June 15 for
consideration at the fall legislative assembly.
Priority Platform“Top 5” : This short-term platform sets priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Issues are voted onto the platform for 2 years. In year one of the 2-year platform cycle, which is this year, delegates at legislative assembly will decide the Top 5 priorities. Deadline for proposals is June 15. Proposals will be reviewed over the summer by the legislative committee and the WSPTA board of directors. |
Legislative Platform
Saturday, May 24, 2014
National PTA President Otha Thornton Shares Op-Ed on Common Core State Standards
An op-ed by National
PTA President Otha Thornton about the importance of the Common Core State
Standards has been featured on FOX News. Visit http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/05/09/national-pta-president-parent-praise-for-common-core/
to read President Thornton’s important response to critics of the Common
Core. |
Common Core
Friday, May 23, 2014
Review Smarts for Students: An Arts Education Guide for Parents and Families
Created in partnership
with the Washington State PTA, the smARTS guide is a fantastic
resource to help you bone up on how arts in schools will help your children
succeed both now and in the future! It also offers up some great tips on
simple ways to start advocating for the arts that every child deserves. Get smARTS here. |
Bicycle Safety Resources
The Federal Highway Administration is pleased to
announce the release of Bicycle Safer Journey, a new tool to educate teens
and children about safe bicycling behaviors. Bicycle Safer Journey is a free, online education tool
designed to help educators, parents and others who care about bicycle safety
to get the conversation started with children and youth. |
Bicycle Safety,
Child Safety
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Preventing Childhood Injuries
Seattle Children’s Hospital offers great injury
prevention information and resources: http://www.seattlechildrens.org/safety-wellness/safety-injury-prevention/ |
Child Safety
Question of the Week
Should the PTA write a check to the school or school district with the express purpose of the funds going to a particular project or event at a school, or is it better to write the check to the teacher/staff member and they provide receipts to show what they spent the money on?
School districts are often not able to accommodate small grants for individual teachers, so the best way to grant money is to work with your school principal. Ask your principal about setting up a classroom grant for each teacher for specific purposes or about granting money to the building fund to help offset specific costs for the school as a whole. Your school principal will suggest the best way to set things up to be helpful and successful.
The other option is for PTAs to have a line item in their budget available for teachers up to a certain amount of money throughout the year. This option would require a lot of specific bookkeeping on the part of the PTA and the PTA would also need to be very clear about the process for submitting receipts for reimbursement and the type of items covered. One thing to note is that this option works best for perishables items, such as paper or supplies, but if they are purchasing books or cameras then those things are the property of the district/school and not the teacher. This distinction should be made clear to teachers as well.

School districts are often not able to accommodate small grants for individual teachers, so the best way to grant money is to work with your school principal. Ask your principal about setting up a classroom grant for each teacher for specific purposes or about granting money to the building fund to help offset specific costs for the school as a whole. Your school principal will suggest the best way to set things up to be helpful and successful.
The other option is for PTAs to have a line item in their budget available for teachers up to a certain amount of money throughout the year. This option would require a lot of specific bookkeeping on the part of the PTA and the PTA would also need to be very clear about the process for submitting receipts for reimbursement and the type of items covered. One thing to note is that this option works best for perishables items, such as paper or supplies, but if they are purchasing books or cameras then those things are the property of the district/school and not the teacher. This distinction should be made clear to teachers as well.
Question of the Week
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Membership Service Fees Due May 25
Your final payment to the state office for
current year state and national PTA membership dues is due by May 25th. Please
go to the member registration site at http://www.wastateptambrs.org/customer/source/security/member-logon.cfm?section=Home. Login and select the
Statement of Fees Due under Membership Reports to see if you have a balance
due. If there is a balance due please
send at least the last page of this report along with your check to the state
office at the address shown on that report. Remember, your unit may also owe council fees. If your PTA is a member of a council where local units pay the council a per member fee this information is for you. You can calculate the fees due to your council by multiplying the number of registered members by the council per member fee and subtracting prior payments of council fees. An Excel spreadsheet which you may use for this purpose can be found here. You can find the number of registered members on any of the following reports available on the membership site:
Membership Service Fee
Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week
This week (May 19-25,
2014) marks the tenth annual Recreational
Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week. As outdoor pools and beaches
open to get ready for a summer full of swimming, this is an ideal time to
maximize the health benefits of recreational water activities by promoting
healthy and safe swimming in your community. National Swimming Pool Foundation
partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to
provide the 2014 Tool Kit on Recreational
Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week. |
Child Safety
Washington State PTA Wins Prestigious National PTA Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award
National PTA announced that Washington State PTA has won the very prestigious Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award, for our commitment to reach out to all families. A special thank you to WSPTA Outreach Director JMarie Johnson-Kola, region directors, and the region outreach team: Monika Scotti, Julie Haase, Brandi Dyment, Elizabeth Rogers, Ed Kyllonen, Michele Rufer, Sarah Smith, Raymond Kusumi, Holly Bocchi, Barbara Justis, Deb Roper, and Mirna Reyes!
This award recognizes only one state, council, district, and local PTA, nation-wide, who works diligently to understand and embrace the diversity of all individuals, understands the differences yet commonalities in their communities, and to work to foster outstanding achievement in the areas of diversity and inclusion.
This year, WSPTA had a five-phase outreach plan: phase one, holding two outreach summits, one on each side of the state, where PTA leaders, learned many facets of strengthening relations through outreach activities; phase two, conducting regional meetings to develop action plans to increase, retain and diversify PTA membership by reaching out to underrepresented groups; phase three, holding a certificated outreach skills training workshop, that provided PTA leaders with critical training in cross-cultural competency, community project management, public speaking, social-emotional learning, and other areas to enhance communications; phase four, planning, executing, and implementing region outreach action plans; and, phase five, hosting an outreach luncheon at the 101st Annual WSPTA Convention, highlighting Outreach and Family Engagement.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Department of Education Releases Family/Community Engagement Framework
U.S. Department of Education recently released a new process—the Dual Capacity Framework—for schools and communities to support and build parent
and community engagement. This framework helps to teach school and district
teachers and administrators how to effectively engage families. It also shows
families how to work successfully with schools to increase student
achievement. |
Family and Community Engagement
Sunday, May 18, 2014
National PTA and Sylvan Learning Team up to Support Student Success
As part of their
compatible missions to increase family involvement in education and ensure
all children succeed, National PTA® and Sylvan Learning are teaming up to
offer free and discounted resources for both students and parents. Among the
initial benefits: All PTA members can receive 50 percent off a Sylvan Insight
Assessment, which identifies a child’s academic strengths and weaknesses as
well as his or her attitudes about school and learning. The assessment is
designed to help families and educators determine the right support a child
needs to excel. In addition to the discount, for every student who takes an
assessment, Sylvan will donate $10 to the student’s local PTA. For more
information on the current services and resources available to PTA members
through Sylvan Learning, visit PTA.org/benefits. |
National PTA,
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Educate Your School Board About Arts Education in Three Simple Steps
1. Find
your school board contact emails. Most districts list them on their district
websites, and you can also get more info
about contacting your school board here. 2. Paste the sample message into an email for your board members. 3. Attach the Arts Education Resources document and hit send! If you’d like to do more to support Arts Education Month, visit ArtsEd Washington website for a toolkit of speaking points and ideas to engage your school board and community about the arts education that will help our students of today become the leaders of tomorrow. You can also help spread the word by Liking, Sharing, and Retweeting the ArtsEd Washington posts on Facebook and Twitter! |
Friday, May 16, 2014
Question of the Week

The budget should be approved in the spring, normally at the final membership meeting of the year. The budget is usually developed by a budget or finance committee, chaired by the treasurer. Both incoming and outgoing officers may serve on this committee, since they have knowledge of what has occurred in the past and what plans are appropriate for the PTA in the future. After the budget has been drafted, it should be reviewed by the board of directors. Following the board’s review and approval, the budget must be presented to the membership for approval. Depending on when your final membership meeting is, this may occur before or after the transition of officers. A majority vote by the PTA’s general membership is required for approval of the budget at a general membership meeting. A PTA may modify the budget to meet its needs at a later date. More information on this process is found in the WSPTA Money Matters handbook.
Financial Information,
Question of the Week
National PTA and Schwan's Home Service Unit to Empower PTAs With Online Fundraising Network
With a shared
commitment to giving back and making a difference, National PTA® and Schwan’s
Home Service. Inc., through its Schwan’s
Cares™ Fundraising Network, have joined forces to offer a new
fundraising opportunity for PTAs across the country. Through this
partnership, Schwan’s Home Service will:
National PTA,
Child Safety Focus: Preventing Window Falls
Temperatures are warming up across the
state and we wanted to remind you of an important safety tip to be aware of
at this time of year. Window falls account for approximately eight deaths and
3,300 injuries among children ages five and under annually, according to the
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. A local story highlights
how quickly these falls can happen, and may occur even when the window has a
screen: Toddler falls
from second-floor window. The Stop at
4 website has lots of great resources for preventing window falls. www.stopat4.com. Please
help us spread the word and keep our children safe. |
Child Safety
New Rules on School Fundraisers
July 1, 2014, all foods sold to students on the school campus during the
school day, including fundraisers, must meet nutrition standards under the
Smart Snacks rule. Under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010,
flexibility was given to provide exemptions for school-sponsored infrequent
fundraisers that do not meet the standards. State Child Nutrition Agencies
have the authority to set the number of exempted fundraisers permitted per
school year. If the State Agency does not designate a number, it is assumed
that there are no exempted fundraisers. For additional info, see the
full memo. |
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Golden Acorn Award Reminder
A quick reminder about Golden Acorn awards, Honorary Life
Membership awards, Outstanding Advocate, and Outstanding Educator awards is
that they may be ordered online at http://store.wastatepta.org/. (There are no paper forms available for these awards. It is now an
online process through the PTA store.) For information on navigating the PTA Store
award section, click here.
Golden Acorn
Charitable Organization Renewal Deadline May 31
It is time to complete
your Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal with the Office of the
Secretary of State Corporations & Charities Division. Forms and
instructions on how to fill out the forms can be found at http://www.sos.wa.gov/charities/AllForms.aspx.
If you have already filed this renewal form this year, please disregard this
message. 1. To help you with this renewal process your WSPTA state office staff offers the following information: If your PTA’s gross solicited income last year (sum of lines 1, 6a, 6b, and 7a from your Form 990EZ for the year ended June 30, 2013) was $50,000 or more, or if you hired an independent contractor during the year ended June 30, 2013, you need to complete the Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal Form - including the Washington State Combined Fund Drive found by clicking: Charitable Organization Registration and Renewal Form. b. Guidelines to complete the form here. c. You will find line by line instructions prepared by WSPTA staff here. d. Fill out the form, print, sign and mail to Secretary of State Corporations & Charities Division PO Box 40234 Olympia WA 98504-0234 with a check for the $40 renewal fee payable to “Secretary of State”. e. Note: If you did not file the Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal Form last year you will need to check the “Initial/Re-registration” box and pay $60 (rather than $40). f. The registration/renewal is due at the Secretary of State’s office by May 31, 2014 – be sure to leave time for mail delivery. If the renewal is not received by May 31 and additional $50 late fee is owed. 2. If your PTA’s gross solicited income last year was less than $50,000 you qualify to complete the Optional Registration – including the Combined Fund Drive found by clicking: Optional Registration Form. a. Instructions for this form here. b. This is a much shorter form, and there is no fee for this filing. While not required annually, having a current version of this form on file helps the Secretary of State’s office better respond to inquiries from the public. At the very least you should file this form one time. c. Fill out the form, print, sign and mail to Secretary of State Corporations & Charities Division PO Box 40234 Olympia WA 98504-0234. d. If your PTA normally has gross solicited income of $50,000 or more but did not this past year, consider filing the Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal Form - including the Washington State Combined Fund Drive anyway (rather than the Optional Registration) in order to avoid having to pay the re-registration fee the next year income is $50,000. If after trying these instructions and guidelines you have questions please feel free to contact Tatia Vasbinder at the Washington State PTA office at (253) 214-7410 or email tvasbinder@wastatepta.org. |
Charitable Solicitations
Membership Service Fees Due May 25
Your final payment to the state office for
current year state and national PTA membership dues is due by May 25th. Please
go to the member registration site at http://www.wastateptambrs.org/customer/source/security/member-logon.cfm?section=Home. Login and select the
Statement of Fees Due under Membership Reports to see if you have a balance
due. If there is a balance due please
send at least the last page of this report along with your check to the state
office at the address shown on that report. Remember, your unit may also owe council fees. If your PTA is a member of a council where local units pay the council a per member fee this information is for you. You can calculate the fees due to your council by multiplying the number of registered members by the council per member fee and subtracting prior payments of council fees. An Excel spreadsheet which you may use for this purpose can be found here. You can find the number of registered members on any of the following reports available on the membership site:
Membership Service Fee
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Grant Opportunities
Dr. Mike Brophy Honored as 2014 Outstanding Educator
Dr. Mike Brophy is Superintendent
of the West Valley School District in Yakima, where he has served since 2011.
Earlier in his career he worked in the Bethel District, the Eastmont District
in East Wenatchee and in Aberdeen. His personal mission is to maximize the
potential of all students. To achieve this, he is not only reaching out to
the school aged children in his district, but he is also reaching out to
students before they start school. Dr. Brophy established a training that
occurs four times a year for those who operate daycares or preschools to
learn more about how to prepare kids for entering the school system. |
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Help Decide WSPTA's Positions: Proposals For Resolutions, Legislative Principles and Legislative Platform Now Being Accepted
Resolutions outline the opinion and will of WSPTA to address statewide problems. Proposals are due June 15 for consideration at the fall legislative assembly.
Legislative principles give long-term guidance to our legislative advocacy
and can be updated at the fall legislative assembly. Proposals to amend are
due June 15.
Priority Platform“Top 5” : This short-term platform sets priorities
for the upcoming legislative session. Issues are voted onto the platform for
2 years. In year one of the 2-year platform cycle, which is this year,
delegates at legislative assembly will decide the Top 5 priorities. Deadline for proposals is June 15. Proposals will be
reviewed over the summer by the legislative committee and the WSPTA board of
It is the time to email the list of your local unit’s 2014-2015 officers to support@wastatepta.org. Please include the name of your PTA, your new officer’s names and email addresses. It is very important the Washington State PTA receives this information so your local unit will continue to receive the information it needs from the state PTA office. When we receive this information, these new officers will be added to the email list that receives Leadership News as well as information on training, updates, and instructions for the member registration process which we will begin sending in June.
Seattle Council PTSA Named 2014 WSPTA Outreach Champion
Seattle Council PTSA
received the WSPTA’s Outreach Champion award, in addition to being awarded a
National PTA Urban Family Engagement Network Grant earlier this year. As part
of their outreach efforts, they identified and engaged diverse families by
partnering with their school district, community leaders, and representatives
from the diverse communities they wanted to engage. In addition, they
researched their demographic populations and created a nine-week family
training program, utilizing their leadership team to get the word out. As a
result, 24-30 individuals of diverse cultures were trained on family
engagement and the results they saw were immediate. “Before the training
sessions were even complete, some of the parents who formally were afraid to
go into their children’s schools, had made appointments with teachers, talked
to school officials, and addressed long standing issues,” said JMarie
Johnson-Kola, WSPTA outreach director. |
National PTA Reflections Winners From Washington State
to the following Washington State Students who won an award! We here at
WSPTA are excited and incredibly proud of each of you! Thank you to all of the parents, and leaders who supported these students to achieve one of the highest honors in the Reflections Program. Celebrate your success!! Primary Division: Award of Excellence
Monday, May 12, 2014
Pre-Convention Session a Success
Delegates who arrived
early to convention had a choice to attend one of two pre-convention sessions
on Friday morning, April 25th.
For more information on the Teen Truth program, go to http://www.teentruth.net/ |
Sunday, May 11, 2014
National PTA President Otha Thornton Highlights NPTA Family Engagement Programs
National PTA President
Otha Thornton encouraged and challenged PTAs to increase family engagement at
their schools. “When we talk about family engagement, it can save us so much
money in schools. For every parent, aunt, uncle or grandparent that is
engaged, it saves schools about $1,000 per student,” he explained. Thornton
pointed PTAs to the National PTA website, www.pta.org/programs, for programs and
grants to jump start efforts to increase parent engagement. One of the best
examples of a parent engagement program is the National PTA Schools of
Excellence program. This involves going online and completing a survey, which
is assessed by the NPTA, and provides customized suggestions for PTA units to
increase parent engagement. A video
clip of Thornton’s message will be available on the WSPTA website soon. |
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Olympic Swimmer Wendy Boglioli Encourages Convention Attendees to Take Advantage of Opportunities
Olympian Wendy
Boglioli, the featured speaker who kicked off the convention in the first
general session, spoke of a defining moment in her life in 1976, when her
relay team won an Olympic gold medal, and how that moment lives on in her
life to this day. Boglioli also spoke
of the years of preparation, taking advantage of the opportunities she had,
and the significance of the encouragement of her parents and teammates as
contributing factors in reaching her dreams. An audio recording of her presentation will be available on the WSPTA website soon. |
Friday, May 9, 2014
May: Arts Education Month
May is Arts Education Month. To celebrate, we hope you’ll consider reaching out to your school board with valuable information about the importance of arts education and helpful tips on how to incorporate the arts into your schools. We’ll make it easy!
Educate Your School Board about Arts Education in 3 Simple Steps
- Find your school board contact emails. Most districts list them on their district websites, and you can also get more info about contacting your school board here.
- Paste the sample message below into an email for your board members.
- Attach the “Arts Education Resources” pdf and hit send.
If you’d like to do more to support Arts Education Month, visit our website for a toolkit of speaking points and ideas to engage your school board and community about the arts education that will help our students of today become the leaders of tomorrow. You can also help spread the word by Liking, Sharing, and Retweeting our posts on Facebook and Twitter!
Thank you for being a champion for arts education and once again, Happy Arts Education Month!
Sample Message for School Board Members
Dear [School Board Member Name]:
May is Arts Education Month as proclaimed by Governor Jay Inslee. This is an annual, statewide celebration of the importance of arts learning, so I’d like to take this opportunity to share some valuable information with you.
As you may know, the arts are defined in Washington as a core subject required by law to be taught in every school. Attached is a packet of materials about the importance and impact of arts education in schools on both student success and school success. These materials, compiled by ArtsEd Washington, also include links to compelling research from a variety of sources demonstrating just how much arts learning can do to help our students, schools, and communities to thrive. Clearly, the arts matter a lot!
The attached materials include links to resources that will give you some ideas about how to incorporate the arts into your curriculum plan. I know that ArtsEd Washington can also provide additional information on other programs and resources to assist you in your work.
One great way to get the ball rolling, if you haven’t already done so, is to issue your own Arts Education Month board resolution! You can find a sample here, and then send it to office@artsedwashington.org to be posted online with Governor Inslee’s and others.
I know that you have many priorities to juggle in our school district, but I also know that when students learn the arts in schools, they stay more engaged, do better academically, have fewer discipline problems, and graduate at higher rates. So I hope you will make arts education one of those priorities in the coming years!
[Your name]
Thank you for being a champion for arts education and once again, Happy Arts Education Month!
Sample Message for School Board Members
Dear [School Board Member Name]:
May is Arts Education Month as proclaimed by Governor Jay Inslee. This is an annual, statewide celebration of the importance of arts learning, so I’d like to take this opportunity to share some valuable information with you.
As you may know, the arts are defined in Washington as a core subject required by law to be taught in every school. Attached is a packet of materials about the importance and impact of arts education in schools on both student success and school success. These materials, compiled by ArtsEd Washington, also include links to compelling research from a variety of sources demonstrating just how much arts learning can do to help our students, schools, and communities to thrive. Clearly, the arts matter a lot!
The attached materials include links to resources that will give you some ideas about how to incorporate the arts into your curriculum plan. I know that ArtsEd Washington can also provide additional information on other programs and resources to assist you in your work.
One great way to get the ball rolling, if you haven’t already done so, is to issue your own Arts Education Month board resolution! You can find a sample here, and then send it to office@artsedwashington.org to be posted online with Governor Inslee’s and others.
I know that you have many priorities to juggle in our school district, but I also know that when students learn the arts in schools, they stay more engaged, do better academically, have fewer discipline problems, and graduate at higher rates. So I hope you will make arts education one of those priorities in the coming years!
[Your name]
Katie Brown, Washington State Teacher of the Year
Katie Brown was in
Washington DC for the National PTA Teacher of the Year program at the time of
the convention, but sent a video message to WSPTA convention attendees since
she couldn't be there in person. As Washington State Teacher of the Year,
Brown hopes to advocate for needs of parents as well as students. As part of
the Washington State Teacher of the Year program, teachers submitted a short
story about students who inspire them for the OSPI publication, "From
Seed to Apple." Brown decided to write a poem about all of her students
and she shared her touching poem, "If You Really Knew Me" with
convention attendees at the conclusion of her presentation. To view her presentation, go to the You
Tube link: http://youtu.be/yJWX6rHlbB8. To view a copy of the OSPI publication, “From Seed to Apple,” click
here. |
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Seattle Seahawk Doug Baldwin Featured Speaker at Convention
The Washington State
PTA, sincerely appreciated Coca-Cola’s sponsorship of Seattle Seahawk Doug
Baldwin, as the keynote speaker at our 101st Annual WSPTA Convention. He spoke
candidly about his teachers, family and the influential people in his life.
Additionally Baldwin answered questions from attendees. When asked how to
help kids cope with loses, he responded that he learns from loses and enjoys
the challenges they bring. "You never really loose, you win and you learn,"
he said. Video clips from this
presentation will be posted on the WSPTA website soon! |
Kenmore Jr High PTA: Outstanding Secondary Local Unit of the Year
Kenmore Jr High PTA
attributes their success this year to maintaining focus on their mission to
support all students and providing connection and community at the school. “We
made a concerted effort to ensure every student was set up for success and
were intentional about establishing our PTA budget to make an impact on all
the students at the school,” said Cindy Jensen, PTA president. For example, the PTA provided a grant program for teachers to apply for extra money to fund projects for their classrooms. They also funded back to school supplies for students who began the school year without the supplies they needed. When they noticed that some students were coming to school hungry due to life circumstances, and not necessarily situations where free or reduced lunches would be applicable, the PTA secured a grant through Windermere to provide meals for these students. As a junior high PTA, it can be difficult to get parents engaged at the school, but Kenmore Jr High PTA was able to bring parents, and specifically dads in this case, into the school by launching a Watch D.O.G. program. Having volunteer dads at the school to be an extra set of eyes and ears at the school not only helps with security, it provides a great avenue for dads to get engaged at their kids’ schools. Another key component in their success is that Kenmore Jr High PTA developed goals that support and compliment the school’s goals and provided opportunities for the membership to review, discuss and vote on their PTA’s goals. |
Meeker PTA: Outstanding Elementary Local Unit of the Year
One of the keys to
Meeker PTA’s success was in developing very clear and measureable goals, with
input from the principal and a teacher representative, so their goals were
aligned to the school’s goals. “We
continually went back and revisited our goals at meetings, so we could
address it if we weren’t on track,” said Megan Klein, president of Meeker
PTA. A fun and creative way Meeker PTA chose to increase family engagement/outreach was their “Freaky Friday” event, which was held in February as part of the National PTA Take Your Family to School week. At this event, parents and students switched places for the evening—the parents became the students, and the student took on roles as parents. As “students,” the parents got a first-hand look at their child’s day at school by signing up for and eating a “hot lunch,” which was provided by a grant from Walmart; visiting the library to pick out an age-appropriate book (for their child’s age); taking a ready test; experiencing a lock down drill; visiting a PE class, music class, computer class; and attending a spirit assembly. They were able to do all of this in just two hours and had 100% positive parent feedback from this event. Another family engagement/outreach program increased male engagement at the school. Meeker PTA has participated in the WatchD.O.G. program for several years, but wanted to get new dads involved so they launched, “Running With the Pack,” a program which allows many dads to work on a specific project together to improve the school. Meeker PTA is planning another “Running With the Pack” event this spring to paint a shed on the school campus. To increase volunteer recognition, Meeker PTA created a volunteer of the month program, which honored recipients with a T-shirt reading, “I’m not just anyone, I’m a Meeker PTA volunteer of the month” and recognizing them by name on the electronic reader board and in their PTA newsletter. Meeker PTA is also passionate about membership and has achieved the 100% membership award for two consecutive years—one member for every student at the school! They make a concerted effort to communicate to parents all the things PTA is responsible for at the school, reinforcing the value of PTA. Finally, Meeker PTA was involved in grassroots advocacy. A couple highlights of their advocacy efforts included three of their board members sponsored the highly capable issue at last fall’s WSPTA Legislative Assembly and locally they were successful in advocating to have the state fund a lighted crosswalk in front of their school. |
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