Friday, February 14, 2014

Building a Community Through Advocacy

PTA has a long history of standing up for the health, welfare and education of children. Every person who takes a stand for children makes a difference and is an advocate for children.

If your PTA doesn’t have a legislative chairperson yet, volunteer to be the person who fills this role.

Educate yourself and others on the issues being voted on and discussed at your school district, city and county meeting as well as those that have committees and commissions working on their behalf. If there is opposition, take time to look at their point of view. Treat others with courtesy as you need to establish and maintain good working relationships. Make your voice heard whenever discussions involve the issues that impact children’s lives.

Advocacy makes PTAs stronger and improves communities. Local units have had successes with local issues from crosswalk and sidewalk improvements near their schools to endorsing successful school board levies and bonds and supporting school improvement projects.

Your voice is also needed at the state and national levels. See the article in the right column for more information on the state legislative process and how  you can be involved.