Thursday, August 15, 2013

WSPTA Leadership Committee Seeking Membership Input

WSPTA Leadership Committee is seeking member input to develop new ideas for leadership classes. We are looking for outside-the-box ideas and suggestions that are not already covered in a presentation that we have.  No ideas or suggestions will be turned away.   
What areas would you like to be trained in?  What type of class are we missing?  In addition to giving us feedback on new classes, feel free to give us ideas on how to improve the existing classes we have.  For instance, would you like to see more roll playing, strategy chart work, brainstorming, roundtables or time to talk with other leaders about subjects?  Whatever your ideas are we would like to hear them. 
Follow the link to the form and give us a much information as you can about your idea.  If you have a Powerpoint presentation, please send it along with the form, to Dori Tate WSPTA Leadership Director at Thank you for your help in improving our leadership training program.