Monday, August 12, 2013

Holding the Same PTA Leadership Position For More Than Two Years

The executive committee of our local unit is planning for the upcoming year.  The same individual has been the chair for the past two years and has done a wonderful job, but we understand that the bylaws prohibit the same person from serving in a position for more than two years.  Are we prohibited from asking her to serve as chair again?
You are correct that the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws provide that the same person may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. However, that provision applies to the elected officers, and not to committee chairs or other non-officer positions that your local unit may create. You should review your local unit’s standing rules to make sure they do not have such a limitation.  Assuming they don’t, you are free to reappoint the person without violating the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws. 
Having said that, there is a potential risk in having the same person in charge of a major activity year after year in that if/when that person is no longer available there may not be people ready to step up to the task.  I’d encourage you to consider appointing a co-chair to work with her and/or to encourage the chair to actively mentor some of the others on the committee so someone will be ready to take over when the need arises.