Sunday, January 5, 2014

Council Fees Due on January 25

If your local unit is in a council with a per member fee structure you can calculate the fees due by multiplying the number of registered members times the council per member fee and subtracting prior payments of council fees. An Excel form for this is available on the WSPTA website under council remittance form. You can find the number of registered members on any of the following reports available on the membership site:
1)      the membership roster has the total enrolled on the last page2)      total enrolled can be found on the legal information report3)      the member roster export lists all active members of the unit and can be used to get a count4)      NOT the online “statement of fees due,” which lists all members of the unit for whom state has not recorded state and national dues payment. This only reflects the status of state and national dues. The state database does not track council fees.