Saturday, June 29, 2013

Formulating Your Membership Plans

Hello from Caroline Brown, your new membership director. As we roll into summer here are a few points to think about.

·         Did you attend a membership class this past spring? If so, did it produce any thoughts or ideas to introduce in your local unit? How are those follow-up plans going?

·         Are your membership forms showing your achievements, awards, benefits and reasons to be part of your PTA?

·         What does your “Welcome to PTA” letter look like? Is it dated? Revise it to include the extraordinary things your PTA is doing at your school, including events, programs, and classroom support. Tell everyone how PTA supports the school.

·         Together with your board, decide on a theme to run throughout the year. How does membership fit into the plan?

·         What is your membership goal? Is it a percentage or a number or both? Remember to shout it out loud to everyone.  Have targets, goals, and visual interpretations of how you are doing.

·         Do you have a paper copy of your membership form available for those who may not have access to the internet?  Keep some copies of your membership materials with you whenever you are at your school or in your community. You never know when someone may want to join your PTA.

·         Looking to get your community involved? Reach out to ask, acknowledge and recognize those individuals and businesses who support your PTA.

·         Did you check your standing rules to reflect any changes you may want to make to your fees?

·         A Spanish translation of a membership application form is available online from National PTA