Friday, March 4, 2011

We cannot find someone to accept a nominaton!

I’m chairing the Nominating Committee for my local unit, and we have been unable to find a candidate willing to stand for election as Treasurer.  What should we do? 

Based on Article 5, Section 6 of the Uniform Bylaws the Nominating Committee should continue seeking a candidate or candidates until its report is due, and if there is no candidate found then the report should so indicate.  At the general meeting at which the Nominating Committee’s report is read, the President should open the floor for nominations for Treasurer in the same way as the other positions being elected.  If no candidate comes forward at that meeting, the same opportunity should be presented at any further general membership meetings that occur before July 1st.  If no one has been elected to be treasurer by July 1st, the current treasurer stays in the position until the new Executive Committee appoints someone to serve in that position.  If the Executive Committee does appoint someone, the appointment is until the next general membership meeting, at which time there should be another opportunity for nominations from the floor.