Saturday, March 12, 2011

Filing Annual Reports

I know our PTA’s annual report will be due over the summer, and I want to be sure it’s not overlooked during the transition.  Can I file it early?  

Every nonprofit corporation must file its annual report to the Washington Secretary of State’s office no later than the last day of the month during which the nonprofit was originally chartered.  For example, if your PTA was chartered in July, your 2011 report will be due no later than July 31st.  According to the Secretary of State’s office, its online  The online renewal system will accept annual report filings up to 60 days from the date of expiration.  Therefore you can file as early as June 1st; however if you file earlier than that date, the system will treat your report as an update, and you will still need to file an annual report no later than July 31st.