Washington Bikes are partnering to provide bicycle and pedestrian safety
education to students in the 6th through 8th grades in approximately 10-15
school districts across the state. The program includes training, curriculum,
educational materials, evaluation, and support for the Safe Routes to School
Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Program. The deadline date to
apply for this grant is Monday, January 27, 2014. For more information,
please click here or contact Sarah Butzine at or 360.725.6039. |
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Safe Routes to School -- Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Grants
Monday, December 30, 2013
Best Practices Checklist
Is your PTA using the best practices recommended by the Washington
State PTA? Operating your PTA under the guidelines of WSPTA’s best practices
will help to ensure your PTA is using sound management and financial
practices. Read the Best Practices Checklist. (User name and
password are required. If you don’t know the user name and password to
WSPTA’s members’ only website, please call the WSPTA at 253-565-2153.) |
Best Practices
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Great Job Washington State PTA Local Units!
State PTA raised eyebrows at the National PTA office. A call came to WSPTA from National PTA wanting to know how we
managed to be 150% above the membership enrollment total compared to this
time last year!
Thank you for
your patience this year as we improved the membership enrollment processes
and paved the way for this success! Some of the changes made this year
• improving online registration
• delivering membership cards/welcome
letters to e-mail accounts
• retaining a membership list of
every member in Washington state
All these
changes are helping us connect with members. We currently are at 126,000
members and rising thanks to all your hard work!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Keeping Your Family Healthy During the Winter Months
December is a
good time to focus on creating healthy habits in your home. Educating your kids about health may
prevent them from the next cold or flu that circulates the school. Go to the December issue of The Child Advocate some suggestions
to get you started. |
The Child Advocate
Friday, December 27, 2013
Question of the Week

ANSWER: Provide a W-9 to any independent contractor you paid over $600 in services (not merchandise like cookie dough) in a calendar year. The W-9 Form provides your unit with necessary information to report to the IRS on the 1096 Form.
A good thing to consider for next year is having independent contractors fill out the W-9 when they sign contracts, this way you will not have to send them out later.
The IRS forms 1099-Misc (for you to provide to the independent contractor) and Form 1096 (for you to send to the IRS) are not available for download, you can pick them up at a local IRS office, or order them from the IRS by mail.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
WSPTA Views on Student Privacy
A recent
on-line article by KUOW interviewed WSPTA President Heather Gillette on the
topic of student privacy in light of the Seattle Times being granted access
to student records in partnership with the State. Read more about Washington State PTA’s
views, and our National PTA’s views, on student privacy. |
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
WSPTA Applegate Grant Recipients 2013-14
- Cedar Valley Elementary PTA 9.7.5, “Young Author’s Night"
- Daybreak PTA 3.6.3, “Kids Safety Fair”
- Eisenhower Middle School PTA 7.3.65, “Rachel’s Challenge Program”
- Evergreen Forest PTA 4.4.03, “Fun Run Program”
- Everett Council PTSA 7.3, “Everett Council Shoe Fund”
- Highline Special Needs PTA 9.5.238, “Advocacy Training for Parents of Children with Special Needs”
- Jackson Elementary PTA 7.3.20, “Taproot Theatre Company Assembly”
- Jefferson PTA of Everett 7.3.25, “IXL Math Program”
- Kenmore Elementary PTA 6.10.20, “School Safety Patrol Equipment”
- Longview Elementary PTA 12.2.28, “Watch D.O.G.S. T-Shirts”
- Lowell PTA 7.3.30, “Reflections Artist Workshop 2014-2015”
- Mont Downing PTA 10.9.65, “No Bullies Allowed” Program"
- Oak Heights Elementary PTA 7.2.95, “Encouraging Male Volunteerism”
- Redmond Elementary PTA 2.8.46, “Math Enrichment Program"
- Sunset Primary PTA 10.10.20, “Science Fair”
- Tukwila Elementary PTA 9.14.17, “ Soccer Enrichment Program”
Applegate Grants
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Home Safety Hazard to be Aware of This Holiday Season
Many families may be
upgrading to large TVs over the holidays and unknowingly may be placing their
children at-risk of a TV tipover accident. For more information about TV tipover
prevention go to |
Holiday Safety
Monday, December 23, 2013
Council Fees Due on January 25
If your local unit is
in a council with a per member fee structure you can calculate the fees due
by multiplying the number of registered members times the council per member
fee and subtracting prior payments of council fees. An Excel
form for this is available on the WSPTA website under council remittance
form. You can find the number of registered members on any of the following reports available on the membership site:
Council Fees
Second Deadline for Membership Service Fees is January 25
All local units--both
PTAs in a council and non-council units, send membership service fees to the
State PTA office. Your unit receives a weekly email remittance form
containing the following information:
Your PTA does not need to pay these service fees weekly, however all membership service fees for members entered so far need to be submitted to the State PTA by the January 25 deadline. Before sending in your payments, go to the membership enrollment website and email if you see any names (and ID numbers) that were inadvertently entered twice (referred to as a duplicate) on your membership roster. For security purposes, the enrollment program does not allow for deletions except by a staff member. If your PTA is waiting to submit your dues until shortly before January 25th, you may use a report called “Statement of Fees Due” which lists enrolled members for whom payment has not yet been received and recorded in the WSPTA membership database. This form is located on the WSPTA membership enrollment website. Local units may use this report instead of the remittance forms as documentation supporting dues payment. At the end of each fiscal year, memberships entered online must balance with memberships paid by the local unit. If they don’t reconcile, the local unit will be billed for the balance. Be aware, however, that over payments cannot be refunded once fees have been forwarded to NPTA, so be very careful that the fees are paid correctly. |
Membership Service Fee
Tell Your Principal About This Free, Anti-Bully Reporting Service
National PTA is a proud
supporter of TipTxt, a free, two-way text-based service from Blackboard
Connect that allows kids and parents to confidentially report bullying,
suspicious behavior, threats or other incidents from their cell phones and
receive a response from a dedicated administrator that they will promptly
look into the issue. There's just a nominal cost to set up a dedicated phone
line and the service itself is completely free of charge. Learn more. |
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Combined Excise Tax Return Due to Washington State Department of Revenue January 31
Some PTAs conduct activities with regular hours such as student stores, concession stands at school sporting events, weekly or bi-weekly popcorn sales, or similar business activities. Under Washington law, such activities when held on a regular ongoing basis (even if the activity occurs as infrequently as once a month) constitute a “regular place of business” and are required to collect sales tax on the same basis as similar sales by a for-profit company. PTAs that engage in these activities should collect the applicable sales tax (the rate varies from one geographic area to another). The sales tax collected should be held in the PTA account and then paid to the Department of Revenue along with quarterly or annual return. Click here for more information.
Combined Excise Tax
IRS 1099-Misc Due on January 31
Regardless of its tax-exempt
status, a PTA may have to
complete an IRS 1099-Misc
Form if it made payments of $600 or more in a calendar year (January-December) to any
individual or unincorporated business
as payments for services. This means your PTA contracted for a particular outcome,
but did not supervise
the manner and means by which it
was achieved. If the
person was directly supervised by the PTA, then he
or she was an employee, and
other requirements apply.
More information is available here. |
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Federal Budget Update
On December 12, 2013, the House passed the Bipartisan
Budget Act by a vote of 332-94. This was legislation based on the budget deal
announced earlier this week. The next step is for the Senate to vote on the
bill. The bill provides sequester relief and continues to forward fund
education. To read more, go to the Grassroots Connection blog. |
Federal Budget
Friday, December 20, 2013
Question of the Week

Raffles are gaining in popularity for nonprofit fundraising. Many organizations give the winner a 1099 and hope for the best. Unfortunately that’s not the right way to run a raffle. The IRS has increased scrutiny of gaming activities, and has partnered with many states to compare state gaming registrations to proper IRS reporting. If the prize is more than $600, and more than 300 times the ticket price, the organization must report the winnings to the IRS using a W-2 G. For more information, you can read IRS publication number 3079, Tax Exempt Organizations and Gaming, available on
Form 1099,
Question of the Week
WSPTA Office Closed During Christmas Holiday
The PTA office will be closed from December 24 – January 1
for the Christmas holiday. The WSPTA staff wishes you and your family a very
Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year! |
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Holiday Decorating Safety
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
estimates there were 15,000 injuries involving holiday decorating seen in
emergency departments nationwide during November and December 2012. This is the fourth consecutive year these
estimates have increased. Falling from a ladder and stepping on broken
ornaments may be funny in holiday movies but in real life, these and similar
mishaps result in visits to the emergency room, or calls to fire departments,
for thousands of consumers each year. For holiday decorating safety tips from
the CPSC, click here. |
Holiday Safety
Visit the PTA Store for PTA Themed Supplies
The Washington State PTA Store,
operated through a cooperative venture with Green Benefits, a local
Washington company, is your source for PTA themed supplies, from name tags to
membership supplies to spirit wear. With access to a wide range of suppliers,
the PTA Store offers a range of options and was designed to provide what you
need when you need it and at a reasonable price. Goods purchased through the
store are created using techniques that respect the earth and the people who
live on it. Click here to visit the PTA store. |
PTA Store
Take Your Family to School Week
National PTA's Take Your Family to
School Week is set for February 17-21,
2014, coinciding with Founders’ Day. A digital toolkit containing promotional
and template resources to help plan your week will be available in early
December. Register today for one of
National PTA’s toolkit demonstrations: For more information, visit or contact National PTA Programs, (800) 307-4782. |
Take Your Family to School Week
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Gold Level Membership Award Deadline January 25
Your PTA can be recognized as a recipient of the gold level
membership award by reaching a 10% increase from the previous year’s
membership enrolled by January 25. Washington State PTA membership awards
recognize achievements to encourage membership enrollment early and
throughout the year. You do not have to apply for this award. |
Gold Membership Award
Reflections Reminder
January 21 is the State PTA Reflections deadline. (If your PTA is a member of a council, check with your council for your council Reflections deadline.) A helpful tool is available on the WSPTA Leadership News blog, which contains frequently asked questions, information and resources. |
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Participate in the Education Summit For Parent Leaders Via Live Stream
You are invited to register to watch the morning session
of the National Assessment Governing Board’s Education Summit for Parent
Leaders via the internet on January 13, 2014 from 9 am to noon (Eastern
time). National experts will address the imperative to improve achievement
and close achievement gaps from a wide range of perspectives, including
economic, demographic, societal, national security, and civil rights.
For additional information about this event visit To sign-up to participate in
this event via livestream, go to
Parent Engagement
WSPTA Outreach Skills Training Workshop Presenters
- Bernardo Ruiz, Director, School-Family Partnerships and Equity & Race Relations, Office of the Superintendent Seattle Public Schools
- Kimberly Mitchell, Founder, Inquiry Partners
- Deborah Northern, M.Ed, Equity in Education Services Manager, Puget Sound Educational Service District
- Jan McLaughlin, CSP, Owner, Your Communication Connection
- Karen Madsen, WSPTA Finance Officer
WSPTA Outreach Skills Training Evaluations
Here’s what some of the attendees had to say about WSPTA’s Certificated
Outreach Skills Training Session held this past weekend at Highline Community
- “It exceeded all expectations!”
- “Just wanted to thank you for such an informative and fun weekend!!! I did learn A LOT!”
- “Thank you for putting this together. It was well planned and made the time fly by! I truly was inspired to do some ‘shakin’ in my region!!”
- “You really put on a fantastic event, really, it was awesome. I took away so many tidbits and it makes me want to do more, do it better, and not just for PTA, but for work. Great reminders how people should be treated. Hats off to you!”
- “Thank you for sending us to this Outreach training. It was rewarding and engaging. We hope and intend to deliver some quality results based on this training. We recommend this to anyone involved in WSPTA.”
- “You hit that training out of the park, and it was so appreciated. It was absolutely worth it, and I can’t thank you enough for that!”
- “The Skills Training was a very exciting and innovative approach to equipping and mobilizing the Regional Teams! It was a pleasure to work with your groups. I am highly inspired by their thoughtful action plans and look forward to hearing great things as they move their work forward.”
Outreach Training
Monday, December 16, 2013
Newly Certified Outreach Skills Graduates
CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! Region 1: Monika Scotti Raul Ramirez Region 2: Shelley Flores Julie Haase Shailaja Shetty Region 3: Kia Calderon Teri Davis Brandi Dyment Victoria Keith Region 5: Ed Kyllonen Peggy Kyllonen Region 6: Andrea Bown Sarah DuCette Sue Freeman Iris Okimoto Nielsen Region 7: Michelle Nims Michele Rufer Region 9: Deb Blakeslee Ray Kusumi Sharon Pfeifer Grace Ssebugwawo Region 10: Holly Bocchi Region 11: Miriam Hernandez Barbara Justis Maria Lopez Micaela Razo Region 12: Diane Call Region 15: Mirna Reyes WSPTA Board/Staff: Timothy Farrell Heather Gillette Kathryn Hobbs JMarie Johnson-Kola Sherry Krainick
Outreach Training
Nominate an Outstanding PTA Advocate for National Recognition
Know of an outstanding youth or other PTA advocate—or a
local/state PTA—that has done great advocacy work? Nominate them to receive a
2014 Advocacy Award from National PTA. Winners will be announced in January
and will be honored at the 2014 Legislative Conference in Washington DC. This
year, advocates may nominate themselves in the youth and
individual groups, and the winners in these categories will serve as advocacy
ambassadors for PTA. Nominations are due on Dec. 19. For more information,
visit |
National PTA
WSPTA Outreach Skills Training Workshop Presenters
- Bernardo Ruiz, Director, School-Family Partnerships and Equity & Race Relations, Office of the Superintendent Seattle Public Schools
- Kimberly Mitchell, Founder, Inquiry Partners
- Deborah Northern, M.Ed, Equity in Education Services Manager, Puget Sound Educational Service District
- Jan McLaughlin, CSP, Owner, Your Communication Connection
- Karen Madsen, WSPTA Finance Officer
Outreach Training
Sunday, December 15, 2013
IRS 1099-Misc Due on January 31
of its tax-exempt status, a PTA may have to complete
an IRS 1099-MIsc Form if it made payments of $600 or more in a calendar year
(January-December) to any
individual or unincorporated business
as payments for services. The PTA should
have all independent contractors
(individuals) or businesses complete
an IRS W-9 Form. The W-9
will indicate if a PTA needs
to file a 1099-Misc and will also provide the information
complete the form. The completed
1099-Misc Form must be sent
to the individual or business by January 31 for the preceding year.
By February 28, a PTA will need
to complete an IRS 1096 Transmittal
Form and submit copies of all 1099s to the
IRS. More information is available on the IRS website
Generally speaking, a 1099-Misc must be
filled out if the person or business you paid is an independent
contractor. This means your PTA contracted
for a particular outcome, but
did not supervise the manner and means by which
it was achieved. If the person
was directly supervised
by the PTA, then he or she was an employee, and other requirements apply. You can
obtain more information from the IRS
IRS 1099-Misc
Combined Excise Tax Return Due to Washington State Department of Revenue January 31
Washington State imposes retail sales tax on the sale of
items of tangible personal property and retail services to consumers, but some
exemptions exist. These depend on the purpose for which the items are
purchased by the PTA, and the kind of event at which they are sold by the PTA.
Items purchased by PTAs for their own use
When PTAs purchase items for their own use (such as
tablecloths for a banquet, supplies for cleaning, etc.) they pay sales tax in
the same manner as any other individual or company.
Items sold by PTAs
PTAs are exempt from paying sales tax on items purchased for resale as long as they have a reseller permit, PTAs are required to collect sales tax and submit to the Department of Revenue, on taxable items sold that are sold at a student store or regular place of business (see below for the significance of these terms). To take advantage of this exemption, PTAs may either obtain a reseller’s permit from the Washington State Department of Revenue, or pay the tax and then apply to the Department of Revenue for a refund. More information about applying for a reseller’s permit or applying for a refund of taxes is available in a “Frequently asked Questions” (FAQ) document on the WSPTA website,, under the “PTA and the Law resources” tab in the leadership resources section, and the Department of Revenue’s website,
Sales at periodic fundraising activities by most PTAs are
exempt from the sales tax
A PTA that qualifies as tax-exempt under federal law (as
either a Section 501(c)(3) or 501 (c)(4) organization) is also exempt from
paying Washington’s business and occupation and retail sales taxes on income
generated through periodic nonrecurring fundraising activities. Fundraising
activities include directly soliciting money or other property, or selling
goods or services to further the PTA’s goals.
Regular ongoing sales activities by PTAs are not exempt
from sales tax
Some PTAs conduct activities with regular hours such as
student stores, concession stands at school sporting events, weekly or
bi-weekly popcorn sales, or similar business activities. Under Washington law, such activities when
held on a regular ongoing basis (even if the activity occurs as infrequently as
once a month) constitute a “regular place of business” and are required to
collect sales tax on the same basis as similar sales by a for-profit company.
PTAs that engage in these activities should collect the applicable sales tax
(the rate varies form on geographic area to another). The sales tax collected
should be held in the PTA account and then paid to the Department of Revenue
along with quarterly or annual return.
If you have questions, please contact
Tatia Vasbinder at the WSPTA office at
Combined Excise Tax
Smart From the Start Grant Program
Smart from the Start, a program developed by National PTA and the
Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF), focuses on the healthy lifestyle
practice of energy balance – balancing calories consumed with calories
burned. Through the program, National PTA will award 10 Smart from the Start: Community Outreach grants of $10,000 each
to district, council and regional PTAs to focus on a specific neighborhood
community in which to improve access to healthy foods and safe physical
activity options for young families. Applications for the grants will be
available beginning in January 2014 at
The deadline to submit applications is March 28, 2014. In addition to the community outreach grants, 25 Smart from the Start: Pre-K grants of $2,000 also will be awarded to PTAs in 2014 to implement the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation’s Energy Balance Pre-K curriculum. This grant application will be available in Spring 2014. |
National PTA,
Smart from the Start
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Corporation Renewal Reminder
Was your PTA Incorporated in December? If so,
then your annual Corporation Renewal is due on 12/30/13, the annual
corporation is due regardless of the income you bring in and is separate from
the Charitable Organization Registration/ Renewal (due on May, 31, 2014.) If you have questions about IRS forms or corporation renewals, please contact Tatia Vasbinder at the WSPTA office at |
Corporation Renewals
Friday, December 13, 2013
Every Child Spotlights the Child With Special Needs
In December, National PTA's Every Child in Focus campaign is centering on the
Child with Special Needs. National PTA President Otha Thornton will meet with
Education Committee members on Capitol Hill to discuss ways to increase
support for children with special needs. Visit the NPTA webpage Child with Special
Needs for
information on the unique challenges facing children with special needs and
find out how PTAs can better support and improve outcomes for students and
families. |
Special Needs
Question of the Week

ANSWER: A PTA-sponsored activity is one that is directed and supervised by the PTA. In order to be directed and supervised by the PTA, the PTA must have:
(1) executed the contract;
(2) created, planned and implemented the activity;
(3) provided the majority of staffing; and
(4) formally voted to authorize the event.
For a PTA event, general liability insurance covers PTA members and volunteers against claims by third persons for damage to property or for personal injuries incurred at PTA-sponsored activities, including bazaars, carnivals, movies, dinners, open houses, meetings, after-prom parties, senior parties, skating parties, after-school classes and more. In this instance the board of directors should approve the parameters of the activity. Any financial component would be approved by the general membership through the budget. We suggest that a PTA contact their insurance company to confirm whether an event is covered.
If any of the above components is missing it is likely that it is not a PTA event. If it is not a PTA event than the PTA insurance does not cover the activity. It is important that the board know whose insurance is covering the event and discuss the level of support and the ramifications of supporting the event. The best practice is to make sure that all communications out to your members and the community are very clear about who is “in charge” of any event – i.e. the PTA, the school, the ASB, etc.
Question of the Week
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Sequester Update
The National PTA Government Affairs team has prepared an action alert asking Congress to replace
the harmful sequester cuts with a balanced, fair approach. Take action today
to make your voice heard! NDD United has released a report on the effects of the
sequester. Visit for more information on the
sequester! |
National PTA
Last Chance to Attend WSPTA Certificated Outreach Training Workshop
News! Limited space is now available for any WSPTA member to attend the
WSPTA’s new Certificated Outreach Skills Training on December 14-15, 2013
from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Highline Community College! Because of its importance
to our mission, and what we do for children, this professional, high-quality,
certificated outreach training, (taught by industry experts), is available to
members, first-come, first-served, (the cost is being supported by a
foundation grant, and the training, provided at no-cost to WSPTA
members). Email today
to sign-up and reserve your space! Click here
for more information on this exciting opportunity! |
Outreach Training
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Exciting News for WSPTA Legislative Program
The Washington State PTA board of directors, in an
effort to provide our members with relevant tools to advocate for the
children of Washington State, has completed a review of the use of PTA
listserv forums. The legislative talk
listserv is not currently serving the intended listserv purpose of providing
council and local unit chairs with a forum to discuss how to perform the
duties of legislative chair.
Therefore, the legislative talk listserv will be discontinued and a
new listserv called “advocacy listserv” will be created. Council and local unit legislative chairs
and advocacy chairs will be automatically enrolled in this listserv. Where no legislative chair or advocacy
chair exists, the local unit president will be enrolled in the advocacy
listserv. Discussion regarding the Washington State PTA legislative platform will occur on the Grassroots Connection blog. When you subscribe to the blog, you will automatically receive email alerts when new posts are added. By moving discussion regarding our platform issues to the blog, we will be able to organize advocacy efforts and discussions regarding each platform issue. Other exciting news regarding the WSPTA Legislative Program, the WSPTA recently hired a legislative advocacy consultant, Tim Farrell, who will monitor legislative activities which relate to the State PTA legislative program issues, and recommend/support, and help coordinate the lobbying effort from now until April 1, 2014. We are confident that these changes will help focus the efforts of our advocacy and legislative programs and provide knowledge and support to PTA’s dedicated volunteer leaders. As always, please email any questions or concerns about these changes so we can work together to enhance WSPTA’s grassroots advocacy efforts. |
Legislative Program
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Welcome New PTAs!
Welcome to
Kent Special Education PTA 9.7.125 and Bellevue Mandarin Dual Language PTSA
2.3.170! We are pleased to have you join us in our vision to make every
child’s potential a reality. |
Monday, December 9, 2013
Back to Sports Nights
The National
Football League (NFL) has partnered with National PTA for the Back to Sports
initiative, which helps PTAs across the country educate their communities on
wellness—from concussion education to NFL PLAY 60 tips on nutrition and
staying active. More information is available at |
Back to Sports Night
Sunday, December 8, 2013
PTAs Taking Significant Action Awards
The purpose of the program is to recognize the accomplishments of units and councils across the state that present programs, projects, and activities that show significant originality, involvement, potential, usefulness, and results. Click here for the application. Deadline date: March 1. |
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Win Free Kindles--Share Your Story
National PTA and Amazon want to hear your stories. After you host your PTA Family Reading Experience, Powered by Kindle event, share your story with us and you may be selected to win a set of 10 Kindle e-readers for your PTA! In addition, we will feature your PTA in nationwide promotions. Local PTA units in good standing that conduct a Family Reading Experience and tell us their story by December 13, 2013 will be considered eligible. Kindle e-reader recipients will be announced on January 10, 2014. More information is at |
PTA Family Reading Experience
Friday, December 6, 2013
Our School Pages Builds PTA Websites
Washington State PTA
has recently partnered with Our School Pages, a provider of reasonably priced
website solutions for PTAs. You can save time (and paper) by using your custom
Our School Pages website for volunteer sign-ups, fundraising, event
registration, orders, and payments. In
addition, a special feature for PTAs in our state allows parents to purchase
their membership from your website, then you simply upload your membership
data to the WSPTA membership database. That’s right, no more hand-typing all
those names and addresses. Find out
more on our website. Over 50 PTAs in our state use this website
solution, which was developed by a PTA member who wanted to help his own PTA
improve its website. For more information about Our School Pages and its
pricing and services, go to
Our School Pages
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Partnership With Projekt Karma
The Washington State
PTA is pleased to announce a new affinity program partnership. Projekt Karma provides PTAs with a
simple and efficient fundraising program that allows PTAs to share their projects
with the community through social media so potential donors will find out about
projects and make donations to the PTA’s designated account in support of its
efforts for children. For a flyer to give to your members, click here. More information is available at |
Affinity Programs,
Projekt Karma
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Partnership With Verizon/eTrak
Verizon/eTrak, a new affinity partner with the WSPTA, which offers parents a device to help keep their kids safe, has announced a new pricing schedule for their service. PTA parents get the GPS location tracking system with a personal alert button a child can push if he/she gets lost, has an accident or perceives danger or only $199; the offer includes the device plus one year of service with no monthly fee! Plus the WSPTA, National PTA and local PTAs all receive donations for each subscription purchased! For a flyer to give to your members, click here. More information is available at |
Affinity Programs,
Certificated Outreach Training Workshop Available
Outreach is extremely important to WSPTA, and a part of our overall strategy to enhance leadership, advocacy, membership and programs. WSPTA’s new Certificated Outreach Skills Training is not only critical for you to successfully engage families, but it is also relevant for your life! During this 2-day training you will receive high-quality training, professional development, and coaching/mentoring taught by industry experts. More information on this workshop is available here. This workshop is provided as a benefit of WSPTA leadership (no charge) and made possible by a grant. There are a limited number of spaces available and if you are interested in attending this exceptional training opportunity, please email as soon as possible.
Outreach Training
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Grants Available for Underage Drinking Prevention Town Hall Meetings
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is providing $500 stipends to community-based organizations to conduct Underage Drinking Prevention Town Hall Meetings THMs in the Spring of 2014. SAMHSA has asked DBHR (the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery) and RUaD (the Washington State Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking) to submit names of organizations that would be interested in hosting a THM.
If you would like your coalition to receive an invitation from SAMHSA to host a THM, please e-mail Ray Horodowicz ( as soon as possible. Include the following information:
Name of your group
Your name
Your e-mail
Your phone number
Need more information about THMs? General information can be found here: The site contains many free tools, downloadable materials, and other resources to help you hold a successful THM. At that site, you can sign-up to receive THM E-alerts. The most recent E-alert has information specific to the 2014 THMs. It can be found here:
The goals of Town Hall Meetings are:
SAMHSA has some very specific rules about these stipends. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Preventing underage drinking,
Pedestrian Safety
Every year, an average
of 67,124 child pedestrians are injured. 704 of those child pedestrians die.
As it grows darker earlier, child pedestrians become harder to see. 36% of
the deaths of children under 16 occurred between 3:00 and 7:00 PM. This infographic
from Children's Safety Network covers deaths, risk factors, and more about
child pedestrians. |
Pedestrian Safety
Unsung Heroes Nominations Requested
Strengthening Families
Washington is accepting nominations for parents, foster parents, adoptive
parents, grandparents and primary caregivers who are Unsung Heroes in their
families and communities. Please read
the criteria and download the nomination
form. Deadline: January 4.
Unsung Heroes
Mt Pilchuck PTA Receives NPTA Take Your Family to School Week Grant
Congratulations to Mt.
Pilchuck PTA 7.6.26 who has been selected for a National PTA Take Your Family
to School Week Grant for $1,000. National PTA provided grants to 100 PTAs
across the country to increase family engagement and safety awareness through
PTA Take Your Family to School Week, February 18–22. This grant opportunity
was announced in Leadership News in September. The WSPTA is pleased to have a
grant recipient in our state and know that the students of Mt Pilchuck school
will benefit from the events that week.
NPTA Programs
Monday, December 2, 2013
Save the Date -- Focus Day
Be sure to mark February 4, 2014 on your calendar
for the WSPTA Focus Day in Olympia. Please check on the WSPTA website for updates on this fun and
engaging event! |
Focus Day
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