PTA's pay for babysitting services during their events. If so, what are the rules to follow?
If your PTA is insured through AIM, babysitting
is covered under your General Liability insurance policy provided you follow
the outlined precautions below to limit the risk of a claim:
Babysitting is only something you would provide during your
organization meetings or other sponsored events. You must have two adult
volunteers (18 years or older) in the room at all times. This dual rule protects
against any molestation claims, provides a second witness to rule out false
claims, and provides extra assistance in the case of an emergency. If paid baby
sitters are involved, they will not be covered under this policy. This information comes from AIM, so if you
have any further questions regarding this, call AIM for further details.
If your local unit doesn't have
AIM insurance, then you will need to contact your insurance company to make
sure that babysitting is covered.