Friday, April 22, 2011

Are Board Meetings Open to Members?

Is there a rule that PTA Board meetings be open to members?  

There is no legal requirement or anything in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws requiring that PTA Board meetings be open to members.  Anyone who has been a member for at least three months has the right under state law to review and obtain (at their expense) copies of minutes of board of directors’ meetings, and a local unit could include such a provision in its standing rules.  (The section of the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws governing the WSPTA Board of Directors was amended in 2009 to require that there be a minimum of ten seats available at WSPTA Board meetings for members to observe the meeting.  But that only applies at the state level.)  While opening the board meeting to members who want to observe is not required, you might to do so anyway to avoid creating the perception that the Board has something to hide.  Of course if someone is disruptive, they can be asked to leave and/or the meeting can be moved to a different location.  Also, even if the meeting were to be open to members, that would not give them the right to participate in board discussions.