The following
awards will be presented at the upcoming WSPTA Convention on April 25-27:
- The Standards of Excellence is a tool to encourage the use of the
best practices of PTA management. If your unit has not participated in
awards, the Standards of Excellence is a great place to start. Local unit application form; due March 1.
Council application form; due March 1.
- The Honor Unit award recognizes
PTA units and councils that have gone significantly beyond the attainment of
excellence and have demonstrated exceptional qualities that merit replication
by others. Local unit application form; due March 1. Council application form; due March 1.
- The Outstanding Local Unit of the Year (elementary & secondary) awards
identify and honor those PTA units that, when compared to all others in their
unique environment and within their own special circumstances, are the most
representative examples of local units that exemplify the purposes and
mission of PTA. Outstanding Local Unit award form; due March 1. Two awards are given each year – one to an
elementary PTA and one to a secondary PTA.