Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Send in Your Local Unit Officers

It is time to email the list of your local unit’s 2014-2015 officers to support@wastatepta.org. Please include the name and number of your PTA, your new officer’s names and email addresses, their title, and the name of the PTA in which they are a member if they are not currently a member of your PTA. Please be specific about title – for example if a VP has a specific function such as membership, legislative, family and community engagement (formerly outreach), or program be sure to include that information. When we receive this information, these new officers will be added to the email list that receives Leadership News as well as information on training, updates, and instructions for the member registration process which we will begin sending in June.

Please note that you don’t need to identify your new officers on the membership enrollment database, just email the list to the state PTA office. However, if you have already identified your new officers on the database, you do not need to send an email as well. Thanks for your help as we make sure your local unit continues to receive the information it needs from the state PTA office.