Friday, March 8, 2013

Using PTA Funds to Send Delegates WSPTA Convention

Why should our PTA spend our hard-earned money to send members to the WSPTA Convention?
Sending delegates to the WSPTA Convention is a legitimate PTA expense that will profit your PTA in many ways!
·       Convention classes offer leadership training that will help your new officers and make sure your PTA is on the right road to success. Your PTA needs to fulfill its training requirement for next year anyway, so why not take advantage of this comprehensive leadership training opportunity?
·       Convention is the platform for your PTA to participate in the decision-making process regarding the direction of the association. Your PTA will have the opportunity to vote on bylaw amendments, resolutions and candidates for statewide offices.
·       Convention offers a unique opportunity to educate your leaders on topics concerning our children. By the end of the weekend, your PTA leaders will come to a deeper understanding of the strength of this association in advocating for children. This will help energize and inspire them as volunteer leaders for the upcoming year.
·       Convention is the place PTA leaders go to exchange ideas, create contact lists, collect resources, and much more! For information and to register for the WSPTA Convention, go to the WSPTA website.