From toy safety to safe
driving – November through February is a time to remind people about a
variety of safety messages. In particular, around the home, don’t forget to
bring attention to the following areas:
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Holidays Mark the Time for More Home Safety Emphasis
Child Safety,
Friday, November 29, 2013
Pre-K Smart From the Start Grant Program
National PTA® and the Healthy Weight Commitment
Foundation (HWCF) have expanded their partnership to bring Smart from the
Start, an early childhood health education grant program, to PTAs across the
country. |
Healthy Lifestyle,
National PTA,
Thursday, November 28, 2013
WSPTA Website Updates
If you haven’t visited
the WSPTA website lately, you might
want to take a quick peek to see the updates recently made in an effort to
make it more user-friendly. On the home page you will note four new sections:
News Briefs, Upcoming Events, Deadline Dates and Quick Links. |
WSPTA Website
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
College Funding Seminar in Eastern Washington
Charlie Hoff, a former college admissions
official, is offering a college funding seminar for students in 8th and 9th
grades and their parents in Medical Lake on December 12. His advice and
insight provides ways to receive tuition for college. For more information, please contact him at:
College Funding
NPTA School of Excellence Update
For those PTAs enrolled in the
National Schools of Excellence program the deadline for submitting the
Family-School Partnership Scan has been extended to December 6. Schools
should submit their scan online at
NPTA Programs,
School of Excellence
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Partnership With Verizon/Etrak
Verizon/eTrak, a new affinity partner with the WSPTA, which offers parents a device to help keep their kids safe, has announced a new pricing schedule for their service. PTA parents get the GPS location tracking system with a personal alert button a child can push if he/she gets lost, has an accident or perceives danger for only $199; the offer includes the device plus one year of service with no monthly fee! Plus the WSPTA, National PTA and local PTAs all receive donations for each subscription purchased!
Here’s how it works:
Affinity Programs,
Certificated Outreach Training Workshop Available
Registration for this training is now open to the entire WSPTA membership!Exciting News! Limited space is now available for any WSPTA member to attend the WSPTA’s new Certificated Outreach Skills Training on December 14-15, 2013 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Highline Community College! Because of its importance to our mission, and what we do for children, this professional, high-quality, certificated outreach training, (taught by industry experts), is available to members, first-come, first-served, (the cost is being supported by a foundation grant, and the training, provided at no-cost to WSPTA members). Email today to sign-up and reserve your space!Training sessions include, but are not limited to:
More information is available here. Please join us at this exceptional and relevant training event! If you are the outreach volunteer in your local unit, on your council, or on your region service delivery team or involved in outreach at the state PTA level, this training is for you! This exclusive, certificated training event is happening 12/14-15/2013 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Highline Community College. Outreach is extremely important to WSPTA, and a part of our overall strategy to enhance leadership, advocacy, membership and programs. This workshop is provided as a benefit of WSPTA leadership (no charge) and made possible by a grant. There are a limited number of spaces available and if you are interested in attending this exceptional training opportunity, please email as soon as possible. |
Parent's Guide to Preventing Underage Marijuana Use
Written by Dr. Leslie Walker from Seattle Children’s Hospital and Dr.
Kevin Haggerty from the University of Washington’s Social Development
Research Group, the new booklet A parent’s guide to preventing underage
marijuana use, is resource that includes information
· Marijuana and teen health.
· What parents can do to prevent teen
marijuana use.
Parenting Resources,
Substance Abuse
Monday, November 25, 2013
New Partnership: Projekt Karma
The Washington State PTA is pleased to announce a new affinity program partnership. Projekt Karma provides PTAs with a simple and efficient fundraising program that allows PTAs to share their projects with the community through social media so potential donors will find out about projects and make donations to the PTA’s designated account in support of its efforts for children. For more information, click here. |
Affinity Programs,
Projekt Karma
MADD's Power of You(th) Underage Drinking Prevention Program Video Contest
MADD’s Power of You(th)
underage drinking prevention program is seeking submissions from youth for a
video contest that speaks to the importance of how today’s decisions about
alcohol impact the future. The
student submission with the best video answer will win $1,500. In
addition, the school who submits the most entries will also win $1,500! The
contest is super simple and a great way to start a prevention
conversation. Please encourage participation at your school. For
more information, go to
or email Kim Morris, National Program Manager at |
Preventing underage drinking
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Region Director Elections
The deadline for nominating candidates for two
year terms as Region Directors 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 and 15 is November 25 and for
region 8 the deadline is December 4. Please refer to your region webpage on the WSPTA website for the
nomination form and more information. |
Region Director Elections
KCTS Golden Apple Awards Announced
Congratulations to the
winners of the KCTS Golden Apple award: KCTS Golden Apple
Award. Our WSPTA President,
Heather Gillette, was selected as one of the judges of this award and she was
impressed by the quality of the teachers nominated. We appreciate the
teachers in our state and would like to thank you for all that you do for our
children! |
KCTS Golden Apple Award
Saturday, November 23, 2013
The Child Advocate Now Available
The November issue of Washington
State PTA’s parent engagement publication, The Child Advocate, is now available online. This issue provides
articles on motivating your students at school and beyond. You can read the issue here. |
Friday, November 22, 2013
Question of the Week
Teen Driving Grant Available
Car crashes remain the
number one cause of death for adolescents. An important program
called Project Ignition is bringing together students,
teachers and communities to address teen driver safety. You can be part
of this successful program by helping a high school apply for a
$2,000 Project Ignition grant for the 2013-2014 school year! Learn More. |
Teen Driving
PTA Men Essay Contest for Students
This program recognizes
the significant and different contribution that men make in children’s lives
and their education. All men involved in a youngster’s life—fathers, uncles,
grandpas, brothers, step-fathers, mentors, neighbors, pastors and friends—
impact the children they care about. Washington State PTA sponsors a
statewide essay contest—open to any student from kindergarten through 12th
grade—to explore this vital relationship. For more information or to enter a
student’s piece, go to;
deadline March 1, 2014. |
Essay Contest,
Outreach Training Available--Space is Limited
For those local unit or council outreach chairs,
the WSPTA is hosting a special outreach training conference to PTA leaders. Outreach is extremely important to WSPTA, and a part of our overall strategy to enhance leadership, advocacy, membership and programs. This workshop is provided as a benefit of WSPTA leadership (no charge) and made possible by a grant. There are a limited number of spaces available and if you are interested in attending this exceptional training opportunity, please email as soon as possible. More information is available here. |
U.S. Department of Education Releases School Improvement Grant (SIG) Data Analysis Improvement Continues for Disadvantaged Students and Communities
The U.S. Department of Education announced today the release
of 2011-12 school and district-level state assessment data and a brief analysis
of School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools. The Department’s analysis compares
the average proficiency rates of SIG schools in the 2011-12 school year to
rates in the year prior to receiving grants.
program is a key component of the Department’s strategy for helping
states and districts turn around the nation’s lowest-performing schools. Under
the Obama Administration, more than 1,500 schools have implemented
comprehensive turnaround interventions aimed at drastically improving
achievement. Cohort 1 schools began implementing SIG turnarounds during the
2010-11 school year and Cohort 2 schools began implementing turnarounds during
the 2011-12 school year.
The brief analysis that accompanies today’s announcement
shows continued progress across various SIG models, school levels and
locations. Despite historically difficult learning environments, SIG schools have
increased proficiency rates in math and reading, demonstrating the importance
of targeted investments over time.
“The progress, while incremental, indicates that local
leaders and educators are leading the way to raising standards and achievement
and driving innovation over the next few years,” said U.S. Education Secretary
Arne Duncan. “To build on this success in our disadvantaged communities, we
must expand the most effective practices to accelerate progress for students
and prepare them for success in college and careers.”
Additional Highlights from the SIG Data release:
SIG schools are making gains – on average, proficiency rates
have increased in both math and reading. Because of changes in state
assessments and school structure, not all SIG schools could be compared over
multiple years of data. For this reason, the analysis includes roughly half of
SIG Cohort 1 schools and about two-thirds of Cohort 2 schools.
- On average, Cohort 1 schools
continued to improve in the second year of receiving SIG funds
- When compared to all schools
nationally, SIG Cohort 1 schools demonstrate larger increases in average
proficiency rates in both math and reading, while Cohort 2 schools
demonstrate larger increases in math, but similar increases in reading
- On average, Cohort 1 and 2 SIG
schools show gains across all SIG models
- On average, Cohort 1 SIG
schools show gains across all school levels, while Cohort 2 schools show
small gains for some school levels, but not for others
- On average, Cohort 1 SIG
schools show gains across all localities, while Cohort 2 schools show
small gains for some localities, but remain constant for others
- On average, Cohort 1 and 2 SIG
schools show larger gains in math than in reading
Examples from schools:
- At Oak Hill Elementary School,
in a high poverty area of Guilford County, N.C., the school day was
extended by 45 minutes and the school year by 10 days to give struggling
students extra one-on-one time with teachers. Kindergarten teachers
conduct home visits, and other teachers touch base with parents monthly to
talk about their child’s progress. These efforts, among others,
worked: student performance scores in math rose from 59 percent in SY
2009-10 to 86 percent in SY2011-12. In reading, scores rose from 34 to 50
percent, and science skyrocketed from 34 percent to 85 percent. The
school, ranked last among elementary schools in Guilford County three
years ago, is now 28th in the district.
- At Baltimore’s Frederick
Douglass High School, the second oldest historically integrated public
high school in the United States, the dropout rate was cut in half and
proficiency in English language arts jumped from 41 percent to 53 percent
in the first year of the grant. Scores have continued to improve at the school with nearly 90
percent Free and Reduced Lunch enrollment. The school opened a night
school where students can get tutoring or take credit recovery classes and
added a recording and media production studio where career and technical
students can train. The school also began offering students the chance to
take dual enrollment classes at nearby Baltimore City Community College.
- Findley Elementary School in Des Moines, IA, instituted
a strong leadership focus, unwavering emphasis on Iowa Core academic
standards, and an intense attention to data. Math proficiency rose from 59
percent in SY 2009-10 to 67 percent in SY2011-12. During the same
timeframe, Findley improved its proficiency in reading from 54 to 72 percent.
This release continues the
department's commitment to transparency of school-level data to better inform
parents, community members and the general public about changes in schools in
their communities.
The data being released are
reported to the Department under the requirements of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act, as amended, and are available at,
the administration’s online site providing public access to high-value,
machine-readable datasets generated by the executive branch of the federal
government. New tables are being published as part of this release and may be
accessed by visiting or by accessing the files directly:
- School-Level
The SIG analysis is available
Since the SIG program began
three years ago, the Department has released national- and school-level data
for SIG schools and SIG leading indicator data in June 2013. In addition, the
Department has released full school-level assessment data for SY 2008-9 through
SY 2010-11.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
WSPTA Legislative Director Sherry Krainick Testifies at Quality Educaton Council Meeting
The Quality Education
Council (QEC) met in Olympia on November 18, 2013. This was the third of four meetings to be
held this fall by the QEC as they prepare their report to the 2014
legislature. Washington State PTA
Legislative Director, Sherry Krainick has attended each of the meetings and
provided testimony on behalf of Washington State PTA at the November 18, 2013
meeting. The meeting can be viewed on
TVW here. Topics covered at this meeting included an update on SB 5491, 24 Credit diploma, Innovative Schools, ESEA Waiver and revisions to TPEP, and Standards implementation (Common Core State Standards – CCSS and Next Generation Science Standards - NGSS). In addition, the committee discussed Professional Learning as it relates to TPEP, CCSS, and NGSS, Compensation, Technology Readiness, Capital Needs and the Funding Plan. Discussion included the possibility of adding Learning Improvement Days (LID) as professional development for teachers. The State Board of Education (SBE) shared outcomes and goals from their meeting on November 14 and 15. Sherry Krainick shared the priorities on the Washington State PTA legislative platform and addressed challenges with funding of family engagement coordinators in the prototypical school funding model, including the challenge of transparency of the use of the funds locally. Sarah Butcher, Vice President of Bellevue Special Needs PTA also testified before the QEC on November 18 in support of meaningful inclusion of Special Education in the goals around Career and College Readiness (CCR). The final QEC meeting of the year will be held in Olympia on December 4. To learn more about the QEC, view agendas and documents from previous meeting, follow this link to their website. The Quality Education Council (QEC) was created by the Legislature in ESHB 2261, the major education reform bill passed during the 2009 session. Its purpose is to develop strategic recommendations for implementation of a new definition of Basic Education and the financing necessary to support it. In addition to guiding implementation of the bill, the QEC must also:
Quality Education
Grant Writing Workshop
Tacoma Fire Department
and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grant writing workshop in
Tacoma, January 23-24, 2014. Click
here for details. |
Grant Writing
Save the Date: February 4, 2014--WSPTA Focus Day!
Be sure to mark February 4, 2014 on your calendar
for the WSPTA Focus Day in Olympia. Please check on the WSPTA website for updates on this fun and
engaging event!
Focus Day
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Question of the Week
Are PTAs allowed to provide a stipend to a staff
member to attend evening board meetings as liaison?
Thank you
for your question. We love to have teachers and staff members as members of
our PTAs. They provide a wonderful depth of knowledge and experience that is
beneficial to all PTAs and they should absolutely be encouraged to join and attend PTA events. However,
regarding a stipend, PTAs should not pay for any member to attend a meeting.
If a teacher’s union would like to pay a stipend for a staff member to attend
a PTA meeting, this is entirely within their right to do this and
something for the teacher and teachers’ union to negotiate. However regarding
PTAs paying stipends, this is a different situation. As a nonprofit,
tax-exempt association, PTAs have to be very careful to avoid an inurement to
an individual.
Below is some information directly
from IRS regarding 501(c)(3) organizations so that they do not lose their
tax-exempt status:
A section 501(c)(3) organization
will jeopardize its exemption if it ceases to be operated exclusively for
exempt purposes. An organization will be operated exclusively for exempt
purposes only if it engages primarily in activities that accomplish the
exempt purposes specified in section 501(c)(3). An organization will not be
so regarded if more than an insubstantial part of its activities does not
further an exempt purpose. A 501(c)(3) organization:
absolutely refrain from participating in the political campaigns of
candidates for local, state, or federal office
restrict its lobbying activities to an insubstantial part of its total
ensure that its earnings do not inure to the benefit of any private
shareholder or individual
not operate for the benefit of private interests such as those of its
founder, the founder's family, its shareholders or persons controlled by such
not operate for the primary purpose of conducting a trade or business that is
not related to its exempt purpose, such as a school's operation of a factory
not provide commercial-type insurance as a substantial part of its activities
not have purposes or activities that are illegal or violate fundamental
public policy
satisfy annual filing requirements
In addition, the WSPTA Bylaws in
Article 2, Section 1 (d) has the statement: “No part of the net earnings of
the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, trustees
or other private persons except that the organization shall be empowered to
pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and
distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article…”
All PTAs (this includes 501(c)(4) organizations) may not benefit a member or
officer for private purposes.
Question of the Week
Strength, Balance Exercises May Help Prevent Sports Injuries
Strength training and
balance exercises are more likely to help prevent sports injuries than
stretching, a new look at the evidence suggests. Read here
for more information. |
Preventing Injuries,
Welcome New Local Unit!
I’d like to extend a
special welcome to Shoreline Special Needs PTSA 6.12.215, a new local unit!
Thank you for joining us! Please feel free to call the WSPTA office at (253)
565-2153 or 1-800-562-3804 if you have any questions or if we can help you in
any way. |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Disability Rights Washington Training Available
On Thursday November
21, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at Catholic Community Services in Tacoma
(5410 N 44th Street). Disability Rights Washington (DRW) will give a live
training about the proposed settlement in their children's mental health
lawsuit (T.R. v. Quigley), a class action lawsuit regarding Medicaid-funded
mental health care for youth. Youth and family members interested in learning
more about the roll-out plan for a statewide community-based wraparound
program for kids who use Medicaid insurance should attend. Wraparound services help support WSPTA’s number 3 priority, Closing the Opportunity Gap. For more
information, click here.
Students with Disabilities
Region Director Elections
The deadline for nominating candidates for two
year terms as Region Directors 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 and 15 is November 25 and the deadline date for region 8 is December 4.
Please refer to your region webpage on the WSPTA website for the
nomination form and more information. |
Region Director Elections
Monday, November 18, 2013
Reflections - Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to the Reflections User’s Guide where Rules and Guidelines for
each category are detailed. Below are some frequently asked questions.
How do I contact the WSPTA Reflections Chair?
The WSPTA Reflections chair is Virginia Muniz. You
can reach her at orHow do I contact the WSPTA Reflections Chair? phone: 360-403-9731
Where do we send our entries?
If your local unit is part of a council, contact your council Reflections chair to find out where and when entries should be delivered. A local unit which is a part of a council cannot send entries directly to WSPTA. Non-council local units may send entries directly to the WSPTA.
How many entries can we send to WSPTA?
Non council local units may forward up to a total of 18 entries if special artist entries are included or up to 12 traditional entries if no special artists are included, to be considered for the State PTA competition.
What is the Reflections Listserv?
The Reflections listserv is a networking tool to help connect Reflections chairs at all levels with each other and with the WSPTA Reflections chair. The WSPTA Reflections chair posts reminders, changes and up-to-date information on the listserv. Questions are asked and answered, ideas and information are exchanged, complaints are addressed, encouragement is always available. All Reflections chairs are strongly encouraged to join the listserv by contacting the WSPTA office.
What is the Reflections theme?
The Reflections theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire”. The theme is determined by National PTA. Students may submit theme ideas by using the Reflections Theme Entry Form available on the WSPTA website under the programs/Reflections page. The next theme will be announced in early spring.
What is the deadline for submitting Reflections entries?
Each local unit and council sets its own deadlines. If your local unit is part of a council, the local unit must submit entries to the council by its deadline so plan your program accordingly. Contact your council to find out its deadline. The deadline for a council or a non-council local unit to submit entries is Tuesday, January 21, 2014. The deadline is a deliver by or postmark by date.
How do I know if my local unit is part of a council?
Contact your PTA president, region director, or the WSPTA office.
Who can enter the Reflections contest?
Reflections is a National PTA arts contest open to students in grades preschool through 12th grade. Although membership in a PTA is not required to enter the contest, a Reflections program is a benefit of attending a school where there is a PTA. Students must enter the Reflections contest through a local unit (school) PTA in good standing. A local unit PTA may, but is not required to, accept entries from students who do not attend it's particular school (i.e. home schooled students, students from schools where there is no PTA). Students who do not attend a PTA school but wish to enter Reflections should contact the Reflections chair at a grade-equivalent school PTA in their school district to ask if their entry will be accepted by that PTA. PTA councils, Washington State PTA nor National PTA may not accept a Reflections entry directly from an entrant.
Where can I find Reflections forms and rules?
Reflections forms and rules are available on the WSPTA website under the programs/Reflections page. Some forms are password protected. Contact the WSPTA office for instructions to access password protected forms. Please use ONLY WSPTA forms. Your local unit and council presidents were provided with a Reflections User’s Guide in the Leadership Packet. If you have not received the User’s Guide, please ask your president or download it from the WSPTA website.
Why does the PTA box on entry form ask for two PTA ID numbers?
Your PTA has both a National PTA number and a WSPTA number. Your local unit president and/or secretary can provide these numbers to you. Your National PTA number is an 8-digit number that usually starts with zero. Your WSPTA number is divided by periods in between 3 sets of numbers. For example, 2.12.123. Both numbers need to be included on the entry form.
Do children have to sign the entry form?
Yes. The entry form must be signed by the submitting student (even if it’s just a printed first name) and the student’s parent/guardian. If the student is at least 18 years old, only the student must sign.
What does “sturdy backing” mean for visual arts and photography entries?
This means that the entry must be mounted in a way that it cannot be folded, rolled or bent. Acceptable backing includes corrugated cardboard, foam board and thick mat board. Poster board and construction paper are NOT acceptable backing materials. Entries not mounted on a sturdy backing may be disqualified. An entry that is surrounded by a mat but is not backed to prevent folding, rolling or bending may be disqualified.
How should film and dance entries be submitted?
Film and dance entries must be submitted on a CD/DVD and the entry MUST be saved as a FILE on the CD/DVD. This means that when the disc is inserted in a computer the entry shows as a file that the viewer must open. If the disc is inserted in a computer and the entry starts playing without the viewer opening it, the entry is not in a file format. Entries not saved as a file, may be disqualified. Judges view entries on a computer, not on a TV/DVD player. No video tapes are accepted. Submit the required number of copies indicated in the Rules and Guidelines.
What are the recommendations for quality recordings?
How many entries can we send to WSPTA?
Non council local units may forward up to a total of 18 entries if special artist entries are included or up to 12 traditional entries if no special artists are included, to be considered for the State PTA competition.
What is the Reflections Listserv?
The Reflections listserv is a networking tool to help connect Reflections chairs at all levels with each other and with the WSPTA Reflections chair. The WSPTA Reflections chair posts reminders, changes and up-to-date information on the listserv. Questions are asked and answered, ideas and information are exchanged, complaints are addressed, encouragement is always available. All Reflections chairs are strongly encouraged to join the listserv by contacting the WSPTA office.
What is the Reflections theme?
The Reflections theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire”. The theme is determined by National PTA. Students may submit theme ideas by using the Reflections Theme Entry Form available on the WSPTA website under the programs/Reflections page. The next theme will be announced in early spring.
What is the deadline for submitting Reflections entries?
Each local unit and council sets its own deadlines. If your local unit is part of a council, the local unit must submit entries to the council by its deadline so plan your program accordingly. Contact your council to find out its deadline. The deadline for a council or a non-council local unit to submit entries is Tuesday, January 21, 2014. The deadline is a deliver by or postmark by date.
How do I know if my local unit is part of a council?
Contact your PTA president, region director, or the WSPTA office.
Who can enter the Reflections contest?
Reflections is a National PTA arts contest open to students in grades preschool through 12th grade. Although membership in a PTA is not required to enter the contest, a Reflections program is a benefit of attending a school where there is a PTA. Students must enter the Reflections contest through a local unit (school) PTA in good standing. A local unit PTA may, but is not required to, accept entries from students who do not attend it's particular school (i.e. home schooled students, students from schools where there is no PTA). Students who do not attend a PTA school but wish to enter Reflections should contact the Reflections chair at a grade-equivalent school PTA in their school district to ask if their entry will be accepted by that PTA. PTA councils, Washington State PTA nor National PTA may not accept a Reflections entry directly from an entrant.
Where can I find Reflections forms and rules?
Reflections forms and rules are available on the WSPTA website under the programs/Reflections page. Some forms are password protected. Contact the WSPTA office for instructions to access password protected forms. Please use ONLY WSPTA forms. Your local unit and council presidents were provided with a Reflections User’s Guide in the Leadership Packet. If you have not received the User’s Guide, please ask your president or download it from the WSPTA website.
Why does the PTA box on entry form ask for two PTA ID numbers?
Your PTA has both a National PTA number and a WSPTA number. Your local unit president and/or secretary can provide these numbers to you. Your National PTA number is an 8-digit number that usually starts with zero. Your WSPTA number is divided by periods in between 3 sets of numbers. For example, 2.12.123. Both numbers need to be included on the entry form.
Do children have to sign the entry form?
Yes. The entry form must be signed by the submitting student (even if it’s just a printed first name) and the student’s parent/guardian. If the student is at least 18 years old, only the student must sign.
What does “sturdy backing” mean for visual arts and photography entries?
This means that the entry must be mounted in a way that it cannot be folded, rolled or bent. Acceptable backing includes corrugated cardboard, foam board and thick mat board. Poster board and construction paper are NOT acceptable backing materials. Entries not mounted on a sturdy backing may be disqualified. An entry that is surrounded by a mat but is not backed to prevent folding, rolling or bending may be disqualified.
How should film and dance entries be submitted?
Film and dance entries must be submitted on a CD/DVD and the entry MUST be saved as a FILE on the CD/DVD. This means that when the disc is inserted in a computer the entry shows as a file that the viewer must open. If the disc is inserted in a computer and the entry starts playing without the viewer opening it, the entry is not in a file format. Entries not saved as a file, may be disqualified. Judges view entries on a computer, not on a TV/DVD player. No video tapes are accepted. Submit the required number of copies indicated in the Rules and Guidelines.
What are the recommendations for quality recordings?
- Make the room you record in as quiet as possible. Close
windows and turn off all noise-making devices in the room (air conditioners,
fans, telephones, etc.). ----Do not place the recording devise on top of
an instrument or speakers.
- Do not record at too loud a level (in the red zone on
the meter) or too soft a level (meter barely moving).
- Record a short test and listen to it while watching the
meter. If needed, improve recording quality by changing the record volume
or microphone location.
- Return to the beginning of the CD and record two
seconds of silence; then start performing your composition. Finish with
another two seconds of silence.
more than one person create and submit the same entry?
No. Only one person can submit the entry.
How many entries can one student submit?
Your local unit or council should make this decision. WSPTA does not set these limits.
Why are there so many rules - isn’t Reflections a program to encourage students to be creative?
Reflections does encourage creativity, but it is an art contest. Like all contests, there are guidelines, rules and deadlines. National PTA requires state PTAs to submit entries to the final level of judging following specific rules and guidelines. WSPTA requires that entries submitted at the state level follow the same rules and guidelines National PTA requires. At the local unit level, you are free to accept and award entries that do not meet the rules and guidelines. You should not, however, submit entries not in compliance with the rules and guidelines to the next level.
If we have entries that make it to the state level, how and when will our entries be returned?
WSPTA and NPTA return only visual arts and photography entries. Please keep a copy of all other entries. Entries that do not win awards at the State level are returned to your region director at the WSPTA Annual Convention in April. It is the region director’s responsibility to distribute the entries to their councils and/or local units. If you have not received your entries back by the end of May, please contact your region director (contact information available on the WSPTA website under the regions tab). Entries winning awards at the state level are returned following the awards ceremony to their owners or to council or region directors if the award recipient is not present. National may keep the entries for up to 3 years if part of the National tour.
What is considered copyrighted material subject to disqualification?
An entrant may use copyrighted material in a Reflections entry as long as that material is not the primary focus of the entry, or if the entrant is not trying to pass off the copyrighted material as his/her own creation. For example, if a photograph is taken where someone is wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt, that entry is acceptable as long as the Mickey Mouse character is not the primary focus of the photograph. Even if the entrant takes a photograph of a family with Mickey Mouse at a theme park, that would still be an acceptable photograph if the subject of the photograph is the family and not the Mickey Mouse character. If an entrant creates an entry that includes Mickey Mouse as a primary subject in the artwork, that entry would be infringing on copyrighted material and would be disqualified. Sometimes, like in the case of a collage, possible copyright infringement would need to be determined on a case by case basis and the WSPTA Reflections Chair should be consulted.
What if I would like to be removed from the Reflections Listserv?
If you want to be removed from the Reflections listserv, please do not reply to a listserv post or make a new post on the listserv about removing your name. When you do this the request goes out to everyone on the listserv. The unsubscribe link at the bottom of the listserv e-mails does not work but we're hoping it will get fixed someday. Please start a new e-mail (not through the listserv) addressed to asking to be removed. Or you can call the WSPTA office at 800-562-3804.
Reflections Rules Clarification
The WSPTA has received some phone calls regarding the rules for photography and literature entries. Please make it clear to your student artists that electronic is an optional way to submit, hard copies are preferred. Thank you for your help in clarifying these rules.
No. Only one person can submit the entry.
How many entries can one student submit?
Your local unit or council should make this decision. WSPTA does not set these limits.
Why are there so many rules - isn’t Reflections a program to encourage students to be creative?
Reflections does encourage creativity, but it is an art contest. Like all contests, there are guidelines, rules and deadlines. National PTA requires state PTAs to submit entries to the final level of judging following specific rules and guidelines. WSPTA requires that entries submitted at the state level follow the same rules and guidelines National PTA requires. At the local unit level, you are free to accept and award entries that do not meet the rules and guidelines. You should not, however, submit entries not in compliance with the rules and guidelines to the next level.
If we have entries that make it to the state level, how and when will our entries be returned?
WSPTA and NPTA return only visual arts and photography entries. Please keep a copy of all other entries. Entries that do not win awards at the State level are returned to your region director at the WSPTA Annual Convention in April. It is the region director’s responsibility to distribute the entries to their councils and/or local units. If you have not received your entries back by the end of May, please contact your region director (contact information available on the WSPTA website under the regions tab). Entries winning awards at the state level are returned following the awards ceremony to their owners or to council or region directors if the award recipient is not present. National may keep the entries for up to 3 years if part of the National tour.
What is considered copyrighted material subject to disqualification?
An entrant may use copyrighted material in a Reflections entry as long as that material is not the primary focus of the entry, or if the entrant is not trying to pass off the copyrighted material as his/her own creation. For example, if a photograph is taken where someone is wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt, that entry is acceptable as long as the Mickey Mouse character is not the primary focus of the photograph. Even if the entrant takes a photograph of a family with Mickey Mouse at a theme park, that would still be an acceptable photograph if the subject of the photograph is the family and not the Mickey Mouse character. If an entrant creates an entry that includes Mickey Mouse as a primary subject in the artwork, that entry would be infringing on copyrighted material and would be disqualified. Sometimes, like in the case of a collage, possible copyright infringement would need to be determined on a case by case basis and the WSPTA Reflections Chair should be consulted.
What if I would like to be removed from the Reflections Listserv?
If you want to be removed from the Reflections listserv, please do not reply to a listserv post or make a new post on the listserv about removing your name. When you do this the request goes out to everyone on the listserv. The unsubscribe link at the bottom of the listserv e-mails does not work but we're hoping it will get fixed someday. Please start a new e-mail (not through the listserv) addressed to asking to be removed. Or you can call the WSPTA office at 800-562-3804.
Reflections Rules Clarification
The WSPTA has received some phone calls regarding the rules for photography and literature entries. Please make it clear to your student artists that electronic is an optional way to submit, hard copies are preferred. Thank you for your help in clarifying these rules.
National PTA Applauds Bi-Partisan Legislation to Expand Access to High-Quality Early Learning Programs
This week, the Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2013
was introduced in the House and Senate as a means to ensure that every child
has access to high-quality early education.
“The education of our nation’s children must begin long before they enter school as research shows that providing effective, targeted supports and interventions to children and parents starting at birth will better prepare them for academic and career success,” said Otha Thornton, National PTA President. “National PTA applauds this bi-partisan legislation and encourages the House and Senate to take swift action to move forward the issue of early childhood education to expand access to high-quality programs for all children.”
The Strong Start for America’s Children Act, introduced by Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Representatives George Miller (D-Calif.) and Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.), would increase access to and quality of programs for children from birth to kindergarten. The legislation consists of four measures that would:
National PTA supports federal and state incentives for high-quality child care and preschool programs for children from birth to age five. These programs should be affordable and accessible; developmentally appropriate; coordinated at all levels (federal, state and local); and characterized by high standards for teaching, training, health and safety. National PTA also encourages the inclusion of a strong family engagement component in all early childhood programs.
National PTA is committed to working with Congress to strengthen programs that further the success of our nation’s earliest learners. For more information about the Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2013, click here.
“The education of our nation’s children must begin long before they enter school as research shows that providing effective, targeted supports and interventions to children and parents starting at birth will better prepare them for academic and career success,” said Otha Thornton, National PTA President. “National PTA applauds this bi-partisan legislation and encourages the House and Senate to take swift action to move forward the issue of early childhood education to expand access to high-quality programs for all children.”
The Strong Start for America’s Children Act, introduced by Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Representatives George Miller (D-Calif.) and Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.), would increase access to and quality of programs for children from birth to kindergarten. The legislation consists of four measures that would:
- Accelerate states’ efforts to provide high-quality preschool to low and moderate income families;
- Increase the quality of infant and toddler care in center-based and family child care settings;
- Support quality improvements in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG); and
- Encourage continued support for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program.
National PTA supports federal and state incentives for high-quality child care and preschool programs for children from birth to age five. These programs should be affordable and accessible; developmentally appropriate; coordinated at all levels (federal, state and local); and characterized by high standards for teaching, training, health and safety. National PTA also encourages the inclusion of a strong family engagement component in all early childhood programs.
National PTA is committed to working with Congress to strengthen programs that further the success of our nation’s earliest learners. For more information about the Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2013, click here.
Early Learning,
National PTA
College Funding Seminar
Charlie Hoff, a former college admissions
official, offers a free seminar the 2nd Sunday of each month @ 1:30 at 1925
South 341st Place in Federal Way for students in 8th and 9th grades and their
parents. His advice and insight provides ways to receive tuition for
college. Charlie also does
presentations for PTAs. His contact email is: |
College Funding
Sunday, November 17, 2013
November is the Month of the Military Family
The month of November
is recognized as Military Family Appreciation Month. Throughout this month,
military families serving around the world are honored through a variety of
observances and recognized for their commitment and the many contributions
they make every day in support of the military and our nation. Below are some
links to help you and family
appreciate military families:
Military Family
Reflections Rules Clarification
The WSPTA has received some phone calls regarding
the rules for photography and literature entries. Please make it clear to your
student artists that electronic is an optional way to submit, hard copies are
preferred. Thank you for your help in clarifying these rules. |
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Congratulations Silver Membership Award Recipients!
Due to the complexity and
volume of membership entries this year, we have decided, and WPSTA Board
President and Membership Director have agreed, that all membership awards
should be based purely on enrolled members rather than paid. The WSPTA feels this is a better way to
serve members. Thank you to all of you who so diligently worked to increase your
membership this year. We are grateful for your enthusiasm for our association
and for its mission for kids! Congratulations to the following local
units—recipients of this year’s Silver Membership Award!
Green Mountain PTA 1.3.9
Cottonwood PTSA 1.3.10
Hilder Pearson PTA 1.7.5
Vinland PTSA 1.7.11
Kingston Middle PTSA 1.7.20
North Kitsap High PTSA 1.7.25
Olalla PTA 1.8.9
Sunnyslope Community School
PTA 1.8.10
Hawkins Middle PTSA 1.9.20
Eastside Home School PTSA
Newport Heights PTA 2.3.60
Sherwood Forest PTSA 2.3.75
Somerset PTSA 2.3.80
Sunset/Puesta Del Sol PTA
Woodridge PTSA 2.3.110
Highland Middle PTSA 2.3.120
Tillicum Middle PTA 2.3.140
Tyee Middle PTSA 2.3.145
Big Picture PTSA 2.3.149
Newport High PTSA 2.3.155
Cascade Ridge PTSA 2.6.2
Clark PTA 2.6.7
Maywood Middle PTSA 2.6.40
Skyline High PTSA 2.6.70
Rachel Carson PTSA 2.8.7
Ben Franklin PTA 2.8.15
Helen Keller PTA 2.8.30
Lakeview PTSA 2.8.35
Horace Mann PTA 2.8.37
Norman Rockwell PTA 2.8.47
Samantha Smith PTA 2.8.57
Laura Ingalls Wilder PTSA
Finn Hill Middle PTSA 2.8.70
Inglewood Middle PTSA 2.8.73
Kirkland Middle PTSA 2.8.77
Renaissance School PTSA
Lake Washington High PTSA
STEM High PTSA 2.8.105
Tolt Middle PTSA 2.16.25
Cascade View PTA 2.18.7
Opstad PTA 2.18.21
Snoqualmie PTSA 2.18.23
Twin Falls Middle PTSA
Daybreak PTA 3.6.3
Helen Baller PTA 3.6.5
Orchards PTA 3.6.27
Pleasant Valley PTA 3.6.30
South Ridge PTA 3.6.35
Grass Valley PTA 3.6.65
Sarah J. Anderson PTA 3.7.5
Chinook PTSA 3.7.7
Salmon Creek PTA 3.7.70
McLoughlin Middle PTSA 3.7.96
Evergreen Forest PTSA 4.4.3
Meadows PTSA 4.4.18
Seven Oaks PTA 4.4.29
Chehalis Combined PTA 4.6.5
Orting Combined PTA 5.2.35
Frederickson PTA 5.3.7
Naches Trail PTA 5.3.13
Roy PTSA 5.3.15
Thompson PTA 5.3.20
Frontier Jr PTSA 5.3.31
Weyerhaeuser PTA 5.3.50
Kibler PTA 5.4.5
Southwood Elementary PTA
Firgrove PTA 5.7.5
Spinning PTA 5.7.50
Wildwood Park PTA 5.7.70
Edward Zeiger PTA 5.7.79
Maple Lawn PTA 5.8.20
Mountain Meadow PTA 5.9.15
Frank Love PTA 6.10.27
Woodin PTA 6.10.50
Leota Jr High PTSA 6.10.65
Brookside PTA 6.12.15
Echo Lake PTA 6.12.20
Highland Terrace PTA 6.12.25
Parkwood PTA 6.12.55
Ridgecrest PTA 6.12.60
Adams PTA 6.15.20
Jane Addams (K-8) PTSA
Bryant PTSA 6.15.60
FH Coe PTA 6.15.70
Thurgood Marshall PTA 6.15.75
Concord PTA 6.15.76
B. F. Day PTSA 6.15.85
Gatewood PTA 6.15.120
Green Lake PTA 6.15.135
Friends of Hawthorne PTA
K-5 STEM PTA 6.15.183
Laurelhurst PTA 6.15.200
Madrona K-8 PTSA 6.15.223
McDonald PTA 6.15.234
John Muir PTA 6.15.250
Queen Anne PTSA 6.15.288
John Rogers PTA 6.15.300
Sand Point PTA 6.15.315
Wedgwood PTA 6.15.355
Hamilton Middle PTSA 6.15.385
Madison Middle PTSA 6.15.425
McClure Middle PTSA 6.15.430
Cleveland High School Eagles
PTSA 6.15.433
The Center School Community
Assoc. 6.15.463
Franklin High PTA 6.15.465
Chief Sealth PTSA 6.15.505
Vashon Island Community PTSA
Eagle Creek PTA 7.1.5
Kent Prairie PTA 7.1.23
Hazelwood PTA 7.2.50
Alderwood Middle PTA 7.2.120
Garfield PTA 7.3.10
Hawthorne PTA 7.3.15
Jackson PTA 7.3.20
Madison PTA 7.3.35
Monroe PTA 7.3.40
Silver Lake PTA 7.3.45
Whittier PTA 7.3.55
Woodside PTA 7.3.57
Eisenhower Middle PTSA 7.3.65
Everett High PTA 7.3.85
Henry M. Jackson Hi PTSA
Pinewood PTSA 7.4.20
Marysville A & T PTSA
Horizon PTA 7.5.11
Olivia Park PTA 7.5.15
Serene Lake PTSA 7.5.20
Elger Bay PTA 7.6.12
Twin City PTA 7.6.46
Frank Wagner PTA 7.6.50
North Lake Middle PTSA 7.6.62
Park Place Middle PTSA 7.6.63
Sky Valley Ed. Center PTA
Coupeville PTA 7.7.7
Bayview PTA 8.2.10
Friday Harbor PTA 8.2.22
Whitney PTA 8.2.55
Birchwood/Cordata PTA 8.3.15
Larrabee PTSA 8.3.40
Fairhaven Middle PTSA 8.3.80
Crescent Harbor PTA 8.7.6
Hillcrest PTA 8.7.10
North Whidbey Middle PTA
Oak Harbor High PTA 8.7.55
Alpac PTA 9.2.5
Ilalko PTA 9.2.17
Lea Hill PTSA 9.2.20
Arthur Jacobsen PTSA 9.2.22
Gildo Rey PTA 9.2.35
Cascade Middle PTSA 9.2.45
Mt. Baker Middle PTA 9.2.48
Adelaide PTA 9.4.5
Brigadoon PTA 9.4.10
Nautilus PTA 9.4.35
Enterprise PTA 9.4.37
Star Lake PTA 9.4.55
Sunnycrest PTA 9.4.60
Federal Way Public Academy
PTSA 9.4.86
Gregory Heights PTSA 9.5.50
North Hill PTSA 9.5.127
Raisbeck Aviation High PTSA
Crestwood PTA 9.7.11
Fairwood PTSA 9.7.15
Kent PTA 9.7.23
Sawyer Woods PTA 9.7.57
Martin Sortun PTA 9.7.72
Sierra Heights PTSA 9.11.70
Hazen High PTSA 9.11.105
Glacier Park PTSA 9.14.5
Rock Creek PTSA 9.14.10
Beachwood PTA 10.4.10
Park Lodge PTSA 10.4.75
Birney PTSA 10.9.40
Delong PTA 10.9.60
Fawcett PTA 10.9.75
Geiger PTSA 10.9.90
Lowell PTA 10.9.115
Manitou PTSA 10.9.130
Sherman PTSA 10.9.200
Lincoln High PTSA 10.9.295
Key Peninsula Middle PTSA
Kopachuck Middle PTSA
Ahtanum Valley PTA 11.1.5
Cottonwood PTSA 11.1.12
Mountainview PTSA 11.1.15
Robertson PTA 11.2.60
Terrace Heights PTA 11.4.30
Smith School PTA 11.4.62
Sunnyslope PTSA 11.5.30
Goldendale Middle PTA 11.6.50
Jefferson PTA 12.5.5
Tapteal PTA 12.5.23
Chief Joseph Middle PTA
Chewelah Combined PTSA 15.1.2
Grand Coulee Dam PTA 15.1.25
Adams PTSA 15.2.10
Ponderosa PTSA 15.2.37
Trent PTA 15.3.47
Franklin PTA 15.6.10
This new process will
continue for our other membership awards—gold and platinum. The Gold
Membership Award will recognize PTAs with a 10% increase from the previous
year’s membership enrolled by January 25. The Platinum Membership Award will recognize
PTAs with a 20% increase from the previous year’s membership enrolled by
March 30.
Silver Membership Award
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